
Which job opportunities in Israel? And what kind of work permit would be available to foreign nationals?

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Which job opportunities in Israel? And what kind of work permit would be available to foreign nationals?




  1. yes!

    but the princess is in another castle.

    it's ok mario?

    where is Luigi bros?

  2. piacere io sono italino tu



  3. Yes we can....?

    Che c@zzo ho detto...???

  4. You are welcome to try to find work.  Most people that come this section to ask usually tell their occupation so it's easier to respond to the question.  It really depends on the occupation as some are required and some are already full.  Israel has a highly educated population and specialized fields can be sought.  Israel is also a Western type country where run of the mill jobs are also common.  It's basically set on availability and demand and there is not high demand for average jobs, as most people already in Israel can already fill them.

    My best advice to you would be to get a specialized education that is the best bet for any opportunity not only in Israel but world wide.

    Try this site to help you it has compiled job opportunities with immigration issues.  Best of luck to you:

  5. eh?:-P

  6. You want to work there because..... seriously stay somewhere safe, the WEST!

  7. Gecko sei di partenza, espatri?

  8. Ah lazy, hai deciso di trasferirti in Israele a lavorare?

    guarda che scherzavo, non vengo mica in Irlanda! ^_^

    e poi son delle brutte zone, sempre piene di guerre ed attentati omicidi, mamma mia; io eviterei potendo!

  9. James gave you the best answer here.

    If you could tell us what your experience is and where your from maybe we could have more answers.

    Tel Aviv would be a good place to start but as far as I know, your employee would have to get an authorization for you.

  10. the prisoner body trade is booming over there

  11. you ever have anything meaningful to say.  You are one of the most bias, uneducated people on here.  Not to mention that I have shown multiple times in the past hours that you are full of c**p.  Here is yet more proof

    Current unemployment rates of Israel and surrounding countries

    Israel 8.3%

    Lebanon 20%

    Syria 12.5%

    Jordan 30%

    Egypt 10.3%

    Iran 15%

    I could go on...but I think I made my point. can do a lot worse.  There are several places you can get a job in Israel, it will really depend on what your experience is and where you are moving.  The most job opportunities will be in Tel Aviv, but places like Jerusalem and Haifa will have good opportunities as well.  If you are considering moving there, like anywhere else, I would recommend that you find a job before you move.  

    Good luck to you

  12. The cat is on the table.


    I'm almost sure that there are strong pregjudices toward the foreigners....

    And besides is a dangerous place, troubles if go there!

    Levati 'ste idee strambe dalla testa sennò ti meno.


  13. I'm sure you could join the army there

  14. Picking apples at a local Kibutz.

  15. Israel has one of the highest unemployment rates.. good luck finding a job!!

    But hey... they're always looking for baby killers to recruit into the IDF ;)

    "Not to mention that I have shown multiple times in the past hours that you are full of c**p. Here is yet more proof"

    James I love how Israelis often like to show "proofs", which 100 percent of the time are nothing but pure lies. Could you at least site your sources? And you're calling ME uneducated?!? LOL.

    Let's assume the bs figures you provided are actually true... Egypt is a country of 80 million people, while Israel's entire population does not account for a tiny fraction of that number. So, if we're going to compare unemployment rates, we need to do that comparison in perspective to unemployment as well as population ratios. Perhaps you should start learning some math before you start spouting some stuff off.

    It is logical that the bigger the country, the more problems it might have. The United States also has 10 percent unemployment rates and higher in some cities. Therefore, 10.3 is not a bad percentage at all for a country like Egypt. I guess I could say the same thing about Iran, at least "they" are self dependent and they do not receive 3 billion dollars annual welfare from the United States. Lebanon, well the terrorist Israeli government bombed the h**l out of their country in 2006, shortly after businesses and foreign investments were flowing in.  The only ones left,  I guess would be Jordan and Syria that Israel could be compared with LOL, and why am I  not surprized!!!! Well, at least those countries' existence doesn't depend on outside charity.

    Hmm.... looks like it isn't me who is "shown multiple times to be full of c**p", because somebody just made a complete idiot out of himself. Also, I didn't see you quote the unemployment rates in countries like the United Arab Emirates or Qatar lol... it would actually give your argument a little more credibilty and make you look less of a jealous whiner.

  16. If you don't have a specific job skill to check on I wouldn't advise immigration.

    Finish your education or vocational training and then check.

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