
Which key to push to get to bios for e-machines .I have D2246.also all I get is a steady beep with power on ?

by Guest58240  |  earlier

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I was adding new seems they sent me memory for 2700 instead of 2100...would that be causing the problemn? I have taken out new memory and only have the old memory installed at this point.My problemn now is it steadly beeps and I can not get to the bios screen..I have no restart disks nor do I know if I woud need them..OS os windows XP Pro if that info helps.Thanks, Jim




  1. Take the RAM out IMMEDIATELY.

    The solid beep code means that problems with RAM. Either no RAM, or incorrect type, or wrong insert..

    So far your computer hasn't even booted to BIOS, much less OS, but do make a point to make a recovery disk for XP should the need arise sometime later..

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