
Which kind of Muslim are you?

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A. Conservative.

B. Liberal

C. Modern

D. Other..

And why?




  1. I am a Muslim. Thats means everything....

    There's only two options.

    Believe or un believe.....  I believed.

    No need more definition

  2. It depends what it is about.

    but im a muslimah, i would say that im moderate. does that count?

    I follow the rules of islam, im not an extremist, but im not a bad muslimah.

    this is me:

    liberal * * * * * * * * * me * * * * * * * * strict

    thats the best way to describe it.


  3. I am a Muslim and its not proceeded with any other word, not moderate, not conservative, not extreme, not liberal, not modern, not anything. I am simply a Muslim I follow the Quran and Sunnah and i don't belong to any sect, and will not be labeled "Modern" or "liberal" so others can put me into a category and label me.

    I have found in my personal experience people only use words like modern or liberal as a code for not following Islam. And the rules of Islam are the same for every Muslim. I am a Muslim and someone else is a Modern Muslim, whats the difference? I have found the difference is they want to alter Islam to suit there own agenda's and Islam does not change for the worshiper, the worshiper changes for Islam.

    Peace to you sister.

  4. I'm not a muslim.

  5. Imaam Aboo Muhammad al-Hasan bin Abee al-Mudhaffar as-Sam'aanee said in his definition of "as-Salafee",

    السلفي؛ بفتح السين واللام وفي آخرها فاء: هذه النسبة إلى السلف، وانتحال مذاهبهم على ما سعمت منهم

    ((As-Salafee: with a fat-hah on the Seen and the Laam and in the end is Faa. This is an ascription to the Salaf and following their ways, in that which is related from them.)) (al-Insaab (3/273))

  6. im a catholic lol

    edit : Lmao@ above me

  7. umm.. what do you mean by the A. B. C. and D? im not sure which one i am.

    can you like explain it plz???

    im sunni thats all i know

    @ the guy who siad Juwish Muslim. Impossible

  8. Super conservative.

    Great answer from Rumaitha

    "Islam doesn't need liberalizing nor does it need modernization. Islam's laws 1400 years ago can still apply to current dates and the Quran is for all times and all mankind. So, it's conservative for me."


    Thumbs down for?

    or is it because some Muslims(????) here believe that Islam is too old and it needs to be modernized?

  9. A.Conservative.

    I follow the strong Hadiths(bukhari and Muslim) so I cover all in black(Minus my hijabs) like a crow to be like the wives of Muhammad(Salla Allahu alahi Wa Salaam) and because Niqab protects me from being looked upon with lust and desire by Muslim and Kaafur men and women.  I feel that I'm protecting my modesty better by covering like a crow, and I intend to set an example for my 8 year old non Muslim sister and my 6 year old non Muslim brother, in showing them the importance of modesty.   There is no such thing as modernism or liberalism in Islam according to my opinion.  Islam is perfect the way it is. It doesn't need to be changed.  There shouldn't be people in Islam who pick what they want out of the Qur'an and strong Hadiths.  That's like saying they know better then ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala) Astaghirfullah!   I quit listening to music at 20 during Ramadan 2007.

  10. alright please stop saying those terrorist things about muslims... WE AREN'T TERRORISTS!!!!! some of us might be... but not all of us... we live in the same world guys... we eat the same food.... why those guys who think that we are only killing machines say these things about innocent people... I'm conservative by the way cause I want to walk the path people from 1400 years walked.... which is the right path... although I'm not so strict... but not so liberal as well... I just hope you to understand that we are people like you... I live in egypt... half of my friends are christians and I don't mind... as long as they are good people... we have to live in peace cause there is only one world... OUR world...

  11. Modern Muslim

    listen to music, play chess, dances, but still fasts goes to masjid and prays.

  12. More like conservative

  13. I'm a jewish Muslim!

  14. Liberal:-)

    Bcoz I believe we can't impose faith or its rules on somebody else.If they like it,they will do.If not,they will not..As simple as that!..

  15. Conservative but not a freak.  I guess a little modern because I have no mahram and I live alone away from my family.

  16. A & D & C

  17. all those options are invalid....there are no 'kinds' of Islam......

    i am a Muslim

  18. lol lil help plz

    wat do those words mean :P

  19. I'm not a Muslim. I'm a conservative christian.

  20. D. The Muslim kind of Muslim...

  21. I am liberal but I have a little bit of Conservative Wahabism in me.

  22. A shia and liberal Muslim


  23. conservative but i love to help others about islam

  24. Liberal doooooooooodd

  25. extra crispy

  26. Islam doesn't need liberalizing nor does it need modernization. Islam's laws 1400 years ago can still apply to current dates and the Quran is for all times and all mankind. So, it's conservative for me.


    Conservative - Traditional

    Liberal - Democraticish

    Modern - Modernized

  27. Catholic

  28. D- hardcore Muslim !!!

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