
Which kind of Sky Watcher equipment should i buy that will b able 2 stars in actual planets?

by  |  earlier

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I like 2 have 1 of the skywatcher thing so i can watch the nightsky sometime, but i need a good 1 with cheap prize, cauze normal binaucular can't c star in actual planet.

SO can some1 tell me where 2 go and buy it and which ,n, which. TY :)




  1. "b able 2 stars in actual planets" - I have no idea what you are asking.

    "I like 2 have 1 of the skywatcher thing" - do you mean a telescope?

    Stars are not in planets - planets circle around (orbit) stars.  The only planets you can see with any telescope or binoculars are the planets in our own solar system (they orbit our sun).

    If you want to see the planets as actual round objects, then a 4" refractor or reflector telescope will let you see Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn as disks (and possibly Uranus and Neptune as well on a dark night).

    No telescope on Earth will make a star look like a planet - stars are too far away to be anything but bright points of light.

  2. hey what up

  3. I don't know what you mean by 'stars in planets'.  Can you be more specific?

  4. please do some research (books like nightwatch, local astronomers), then reconsider your requirements. or perhaps define them, because i have no idea what you're asking.

    people often have unrealistic expectations of what they will see, particularly when it comes to planets. hooking up with local astronomers and looking through their scopes will help set your expectations.

  5. Is that the English language they teach in the school system these days?  

    There isn't one sentence here that makes any sense.

    I am guessing that you want a recomendation for a telescope???  

    I would like to suggest that you first spend your money on a membership to a local astronomy club or astronomical society. You will be able to attend their star parties, and monthly meetings which usually include presentations and lots of current information, plus you will meet a lot of new and very nice people to be your friends. Most clubs have loaner equipment and lending libraries and a lot more to offer you.

    You will be able to try out a lot of different telescopes with your own two eyeballs at the star parties and you will be able to decide what would be the perfect scope for you to purchase in the future. Your new friends will help you to choose and they will also help you to get the most out of the scope that you might buy.

    I am an Orion fan  they are the best for value and customer service

    but another easy and very kid friendly scope is the Astroscan by Edmonds Scientific


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