
Which kind of assessment would you use Rubrics for and why?

by Guest66289  |  earlier

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Im still busy studying early childhood development and im stuck with this question nowhere in my research books it tells me what rubrics is and what and when to use it for. i did some research on the internet and found a few points with the advantages and disadvantages. and Now i am stuck with this question. Please can you help me!!




  1. Example:  You ask your preschool students to draw a picture of themselves with 10 body parts.


    3 points- student drew him/herself with 10 body parts

    2 points- student drew him/herself with 5 body parts

    1 points- student made an attempt but did not complete the drawing.  Self picture has 3-4 body parts

    0 points- student did not draw picture

    A rubric can be used to assess any project you give your children, whether it be following direction, an art projects.  Typically, I do not use them in my classroom (Early Childhood Special Education ages 3-5) just because the focus is not on grading their work, it is on a social aspect and adapting to their environment and learning to follow classroom rules.  Below is an appropriate rubric you can use to keep track of how your children engage in the classroom, which I feel is more appropriate for preschool.

    Following Directions:

    3- student follows directions on first cue with no redirection needed

    2- student follows directions with one additional verbal/visual cue used as redirection

    1- student follows directions with 2 additional verbal/visual cues used as redirection.

    0- student did not follow directions and needed more than 2 verbal/visual cues to arrive at the appropriate task

    I hope this helps.

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