
Which kind of bird fits these requirements?

by Guest32396  |  earlier

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1. Doesn't need a lot of human interaction, possibly one that can live with another of it's own kind peacefully.

2. Not too loud. A little chirping is ok but no screaming.

3. Can watch a dog or cat enter the room and not be too scared.

4. Pretty easy to take care of.

5. Not aggressive, won't bite.

Thank you!




  1. A pair of Society finches (not just one) or Zebra finches are fairly quiet, for birds.  They are very active, however, and need a very large cage with close set bars.  Some people make their own big flight cages.  You can find flight cages at Bird Marts, reasonably priced.  Foster & Smith pet supply sells nice big flight cages, too.  Small, active birds need plenty of room to fly in so it's cruel to coop them up in a little pet store cage.  I'm a little worried about the cat.  Cats can frighten caged birds to death.  Could you keep the birds in a closed but well lit room where the cat can't get to them?   All birds are messy.  Someone will have to vacuum the area around the cage at least once a day.  Hope this helps.

  2. Only one I know of would be a pair of diamond or ring neck doves. Quiet, can't bite, not as messy as most birds, coo occassionally but aren't extremely loud, and mine like to watch the cats. :p

  3. How about canaries?

    They don't require much human interaction and are more than happy in flocks- a male with a mate will not be as loud as a lone male.

  4. in the past my brother and i got 2 budgies for Christmas from our parents and they were TERRIFIC pets and we also owned a dog and the birds loved to just watch all of the commotion and they were the easiest pets to take care of! the two of them just loved to chatter with each other so they wernt loud at all... they never bite my parents when we would take them out into a bigger cage and interact with them... my parents worked during the day so we were gone 8 hours and so the two birds (named speedy and two pretty) would have each other and speedy lived about 13 yeard and two pretty is about 12 or 13 now and still heathly! hope this helped and good luck !!

  5. Wow! None really that I know of. Birds are a handful.

    These 5 tough requirements actually disqualify every

    pet I can think of including betta and goldfish.

    Wait, I got it... maybe a snail?

  6. Most birds are loud and will bite if they are very scared but I would go with a budgie, which is also called a parakeet. They can be handled, and actually prefer to be with more of their kind, because they are flock birds.

    Go Parakeets! :)

  7. None. Birds are very intelligent and they need social interaction. If you don't give them a lot of attention, they will get frustrated and will pull feathers, screech more, etc. Also, most birds talk a lot, even when they are alone. It's just their way of expressing themselves.

    The only birds that don't need a ton of human interaction are finches. However, they are very skittish and hyper, so they still don't fit your requirements. They will get scared, and they will talk a lot.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but a bird doesn't seem like the pet for you.

  8. 2 stuffed parrots sitting on a tree lol

  9. i would deff go for a few finches if i were you, most birds need interaction and can be very very loud, finches dont though, they are quiet, just need food water, cuttlebone and a few perches. check out for good bird info, goodluck!

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