
Which kind of s*x-ed did they teach in Wasilla, Alaska? Not a cheap shot, a legitimate question.When Sarah?

by Guest65788  |  earlier

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Palin was in city govt (1992-2002), did the school teach what birth control was about, or did it require the famous Abstinence Only curriculum? (Question in question; did city govt control this or did a separate school board?) And, did Sarah Palin push for Abstinence Only curriculum when running for or holding her offices?

I really do feel badly for the teen daughter, and don't judge her. But her Mom is one who judges others, so I think we have a lot of legitimate questions around this issue.




  1. Pretty obvious they didn't teach her about people like Clinton, Edwards and Kennedy.

  2. I agree with you.

    Besides that, as a mother you have to talk about birth control with a girl of that age. And what about AIDS prevention? Sarah Palin is obviously not a very responsible mother.

  3. Proof that teaching abstinence just doesn't work. If you gave baby daddy a condom this would have been avoided.

    Or maybe the got confused on which kind of s*x is acceptable before marriage.  

  4. Republicans are generally against s*x ed and so they probably have none

  5. This can happen to anybody right or left. The parents who preach

    family values hope that their kids will follow their ideas and sometimes

    the kids do follow their parents ideas and sometimes they don't

  6. This is really a legitimate question for a Penticostal who professes to be a spontaneous creationist. Is her religious dogma suddenly failing her? Ya know Bush won't give condums to any country that doesn't agree with him on s*x. If she's going to follow 90% of his preachments, maybe this is an object lesson in what to expect in the future.

  7. I am guessing they had lots of Northern Exposure. Not much s*x education.

    Maybe that is why Bristol Palin told her Mom, "Pregnant? Mom I had no idea, I thought I was helping a fellow born- again classmate with his wrestling assignment?"

  8. it's cold up there so they gotta stay warm down there

  9. Why don't we talk about how Palin's daughter is keeping the baby.  

  10. Yes, I feel bad for her, too.

    A teen pregnancy is the absolute worst tragedy that can befall any (typical white) human being.

  11. ''  NONE ''  and there is more this so called 5 th  child of sarah palin is also the child of her daughter > s.palin was not pregnant as many fotos show while in office and her daughter skipped shool for 6 month  at this so called palin pregnancy  . GO FIGURE

  12. This is why she has NO place in politics! Do we want to move forward or backward?  

  13. well im assuming it was the "if you do it your p***s will fall off and you will face eternal damnation!" type of s*x ed.

  14. Palin and her husband homeschooled their keep 'traditional values' and 'creationism' in the studies.

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