
Which kind of sports should a girl with no experience at all, very shy, and doesn't get things quick play?

by  |  earlier

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out of basketball, tennis, volleyball, and soccer




  1. tennis coz u say ur shy and that no much of a aggressive port

    but if u wanna make friends do a team sports

  2. mmm.. I would have to say tennis because it's a very simple game, easy to catch onto and it's just you playing, it's not a team sport.. Also, you don't have to be vocal to play.. pretty much the only time you talk is if you have to call the ball out.


    communication, communication, and communication

    you have to be very talkitive to play basketball.. Also, playing basketball you have to catch on very quickly.


    a sport where you also have to communicate a lot.

    you probably would like to have experience if you play this.


    this would be my second choice because yes it is a team sport but your not always with them your more spread out.

    Also, soccer is just a lot of running. Very easy to catch on.

    well you go and have fun.. Don't let anybody make your mind up for you..(=

    good luck.

  3. I have played all four sports.

    but i am a very loud non shy person.

    I enjoy volleyball and soccer the most. but i know for a fact those sports CANNOT be played if you are shy and quiet.

    Volleyball has so much talking and skill involved that it is hard for anyone to play when starting as a teenager.

    I believe that tennis would be the best sport because you are

    1. alone on the court (hence no communication)

    2. There are various ways to practice (with a team or by your self)

    3. Tennis is a sport that is easier to play and isnt very competitive.

  4. Tennis is very difficult and aggravating for players who are not experienced. I have been playing for years and am ranked in the state. I also play for my high school team and it is a great way to make friends. If you are interested in tennis get some lessons pronto and get the correct form and stroke. It takes years and years to get even decent. You can definitely do it if you set a goal to though, but dont get discouraged if it is getting to difficult. my advice is if u are gunna to tennis start now and get help from a pro at a local tennis facility

  5. I think with the three team sports, you have to be quite agressive to an extent, or rather committed in your actions when playing. Maybe this is less the case in volleyball, but definitely in soccer and basketball.

    Volleyball, I would probably say out of the four, although tennis might also be quite a good option. Tennis though might require a lot of time practising, but it is probably the one that is most suited to a gentler disposition. Then again, if you look at tennis players these days, that's hardly the case.

    Are those four definite options from which you must choose? There are many other things that one might find themselves involved in outside these few.

    The other option is to try and have a go at something like basketball, or soccer, and develop a more forward and confident approach to sport that may carry over into life in general.

    What ever you choose - remember - have fun!

  6. Tennis by a long shot. Then soccer. Basketball. The last thing you want to try is Volleyball. Tennis is actually pretty hard to get good at, but you can practice it all by your self. Basketball is the same way, you can practice all by your self to improve. Soccer, also technical, but as long as you can run you can learn. Vollyball, the most under rated sport (skill wise) ever. You can't just pick up a volleyball and expect it to be easy, it takes a whole team to practice personal skills and even then not everybody has a 3 foot vertical, wich is of most importance.

  7. I think I'd go with running/cross country running/track. Doesn't require experience, everyone can do it, it's not a team sport as much as the others and without trying too too hard you get better at running just by running more and pushing yourself further each time. But, out of those three I'd probably go with tennis. BUT, you really should break out of your shyness and try to learn more quickly so you should maybe give the harder team sports a try, you will grow as a person, I say go for any of them but since we're in the vball section I'd say vball :)

  8. probably tennis its fun! there's not a ton 2 get like wit b-ball and soccer lol

  9. golfing stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. singles tennis

  11. volleyball.

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