
Which kind of witch is condemned by the Bible?

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There are 17 different definitions of the word 'witch', ranging from the modern sense, through some completely fictional ideas, all the way to ancient definitions of people who were the oppsite to today's witches.

Which is condemned by the Bible?




  1. had a quick scan of the links, quite interesting, although as I know my Bible study is not what it could be and only know of one actual referance to witches (KJV) but in other translations which are more acurate it says not to suffer an evil doer to live NOT not too suffer a witch to live.

  2. All of them of course! And if you suspect someone is a witch, for example, those pesky Wiccans, don't bother researching and trying to be educated and tolerant, that's EXACTLY what the DEVIL wants you to do!!!! And everyone knows the devil is EVIL!!! ""? You mean ""!!


  3. All of them:

    There shall not be found among you anyone that...useth divination(fortune teller), an observer of times(astrologer),or an enchanter(magician), or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits(mediums possessed by a spirit or a "guide", or a wizard(clairvoyant or psychic), or a necromancer(medium who consults the dead). For all that do these things are an abomination to the Lord." Deuteronomy 19:9-12.

  4.   All of them

    You shall not suffer a witch to live Exodus 22:18 in other words kill anyone you think is a witch. Yet 2 chapters before that it says ...thou shall not kill Exodus 20:13. And the christians claim no contradiction in their bible!

  5. In the Bible's diction, "witch" means "one communicating with spirits".

    In our times, "witches" worship nature, and there are also those "witches" that worship Satan.

    God condemns worship anyone/anything other than Him. He also doesnt like that any communicate with "familiar spirits".

  6. Maybe I missed something when I read the book. I don't remember reading the word witch. I think that is an English word with meaning that has been abused to descibe something not of the original witch.

    The witch didn't feature until comparitively recent years way out of biblical times.

  7. All the ones who practised wicca.

  8. i had a friend who was jewish, and she said that the part that says "though shall not suffer a witch to live" is a should be "though shall not suffer a poisoner to live."  slightly different...don't you think?


  9. All of them as none of them believe that YHWH is the one true God.

  10. Despite previous answers suggesting that witchcraft is not prohibited by scripture, I found this

    and several similar verses.  Generally speaking - particularly when combined with other verses specifically against those who use astrology, fortune-telling, spiritism (channeling and the like)  and "magic" of any sort, I would say that anyone who does any of those things is prohibited ("condemned") by the bible.

    This would mean that many "witches" in your list escape scriptural "condemnation", including





    19 (I include this because Judaism is not condemned by scripture)


  11. Actually if you were to read a more accurate translation than the KJV, the word witch doesn't appear.  The passage "suffer not a witch to live" was originally closer to "do not invite one skilled in poisons into your home."  

    Now, someone skilled with making poisons, is not necessarily a witch.

    It seems as though you've already done your own research however.

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