
Which knife would you use for skinning and cleaning rabbits/squirrel with a guthook?

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A Mossberg,Gerber,Elk Ridge,Browning or Winchester. If you know any other knife that are even better than these tell me and plz dont make them expensive because i will be getting them dirty/bloody.




  1. remintons upland knife is perfect and cheap. also the pheasent cleaning kit from reminton is also great.

  2. it is amazing how many offer their opinion but have no idea what they are talking about.of the names you merntioned the gerber is the best.outside that list is kershaw.i have both of these knives. both of these knives will sharpen the knife for free every year.

    -----------retired texas deputy sheriff-----------

  3. I just use a Buck knife..........

  4. you dont need a guthook to skin rabbits and squirrels

  5. A pocket knife works fine. If you feel you must have a gut hook, the remington and the gerber both work fine on deer. You could use them on the small game also, if you wish.

  6. Honestly i like to just use a small pocket knife with a good blade for squirrels and rabbits. no need for a gut hook or a big fixed blade hunting knife. Get a good pocket knife, gerber would be my choice of the ones you listed.

  7. More rabbits and squirrels have been skinned in this country over the years with simple pocket knives than any other type of knife. It is all my father and his brothers or his father used growing up in the mountains of NC. As a boy, it is all I used. As a note, it is easy to clean a rabbit, it is easier to skin a squirrel with 2 sets of hands. Tough little hide, dontcha' know.

    A fixed blade with a handle that your hand won't slip on when it gets slick would be a good choice. Doesn't have to be a foot long bowie knife. Just sharp with a good point. 4 or 5" is plenty long enough.

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