
Which lady ruled Britian for just nine days?

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Which lady ruled Britian for just nine days?




  1. Lady Jane Grey.

  2. Lady Jane Grey. Her last words, written on the night of 11 February before she was executed the following morning were:

    'If justice is done with my body, my soul will find mercy with God. Death will give pain to my body for its sins, but the soul will be justified before God. If my faults deserve punishment, my youth at least, and my imprudence were worthy of excuse; God and posterity will show me favour.'

    She was the grand niece of Henry VIII and reigned as uncrowned regnant queen for only 9 days in July 1553. Despite refusing the crown and saying that Mary was next in line to the throne following the death of Mary's half-brother Edward IV, she was forced to accept the crown. One real pity about her death is that she had a reputation as being one of the most learned women of her day. Not only, from all accounts, was a gentle young woman lost, but also a mind as brilliant as Elisabetta Gonzaga's.

  3. Lady Jane Grey

  4. Teen Queen -Lady Jane Grey.  Serious Protestant, ready to kick *** in England.

  5. Lady Jane Grey.  She was between Edward IV and Mary I.

  6. Too easy. Everybody knows. It was Jane. Off went her sweet little head, and her young husband's.

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