
Which language are you studying/have you studied at school?

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Do you plan to practice it later?

Thx for your answers.=)




  1. Back in the dark ages, when men lived in caves, I started out with Latin...a good 'root' language...then had to study German, but the class was not given long enough.  Then, Sr. year in HS, Spanish...and I use it today...because of where I live.

  2. Japanese and Spanish. Japanese for four years, Spanish for one.

    Japanese, yes, Spanish maybe but I'm going to college to major in Japanese so I don't know if I will take any Spanish classes or not.

  3. i learn german,dutch , english ,latin and spanish

    i'm young french boy 14 years old

  4. Spanish but many years ago - 1965-68!

  5. I studied Spanish for 4 years.  I still practice it today in hopes of becoming more fluent.  Today, I am learning sign language (SEE) as it is a requirement for my major.

  6. I'm french and I studied  English, Spanish and Italian. I speak these 3 languages now , rather correctly I think.

    I studied also latin, but never understood  !!

  7. In my first year at secondary school i learnt french and after that we didn't learn any other language's so now i have forgotten most of it.

  8. i am taking german. =]

    in college i might want to take a german course just to keep it fresh in my head, or maybe be a teacher of it. if not then teach something else or physical therapist.

  9. French!

    and oui =]

  10. Back in the dark ages, I studied French and Latin.  When I first went to France, I found that the language I had learned was "O" level French.  In Paris, they speak fluent French, which is a different language entirely.  It wasn't until quite a few years later that I went to the South of France and found they speak "O" level French down there.

    I've found that I've learned a lot more French later in life, as well as most other Western European languages, but if you don't learn any foreign languages when you are young, that part of your brain doesn't develop and you'll never manage to speak one fluently later in life.

  11. French and German at school, Russian and Italian at night school, Hungarian at University and I've just started to learn Greek.

    I've had the opportunity to use all of them socially but only French in the course of work. Most are rusty, apart from French.... I haven't met many Hungarians in the streets!

  12. I studied German, and I'm studying English, Mandarin, French, Spanish and Latin in school.

    I am English, and I plan on working in Spain.

  13. Estoy estudiando espanol. Mi clase es muy, yo no lo utilizan en medicina.

  14. japanese , latin , french and a little german

  15. I am Brazilian girl and I study  English. Yes I would like practice because I have a problem with in differentiate between American English and British English Pronuciation. I prefer the British English

  16. spanish but i know spanish so im passing in high school im planning to do french

  17. Espanol!!

  18. One of my majors is Spanish, and my minor is French.  I plan to work with Spanish-speaking monolinguals and Spanish-English bilingual in my career.  I'll use my French when I spend a semester in Paris, but after that, I'm just worried I won't have much use for it. :(  We shall see...

  19. I learnt German. Guten tag!!

  20. I'm italian and I stadied english since primary school....I hope to learn it better...because I would teach english to my children when I begin mother....kiss for all

  21. I've studied Latin, Spanish and French. I only studied Latin for 1 year (MOOS TUS OONT!!). This is my last year of Spanish and for good ol' French, i'll study it for at least 1 more year, then sadly...c'est fini!!

    Oh and OF COUSE I practice French, all the time, you know how we speak French EVERY time we speak...

    Can we count Irish, if I can say a few phrases!? =P Happy St. Patricks day ^^

  22. i learnt french in years 7 and 9

    german in years 8, 10 and 11 and now i'm taking it for A-level :D

    and i'm also learning spanish.

    do i plan on practicing it later? german deffo, as with spanish. but my french, i'm still indecided whether or not to do that with my other languages so i doubt so :P

  23. English, spanish and german and yes i do use them

  24. French in 1949 then Latin in 1950.

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