
Which language should I take in high school?

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I'm going to the 8th grade, and I took French during my seventh grade year. I will take French again in the 8th grade year, so I will have French I for high school. I'm planning to take on Latin in high school, along with another language. Should I still take French, or take another? (Japanese, German, Chinese, Russian, Greek, Spanish)

I particulary like Japanese (I'm Korean by the way), because I love anime and the Japanese culture. But I don't want to waste middle school French.

Which should I take??




  1. i'm taking Latin now, in 9th grade, and i absolutely love it!

    i also took french all of middle school.

    are those all actual choices at your school? we don't even have half of that.

    anyway, personally, i would take Japanese. that would be really awesome.

    i dont think you're really wasting it. do you like french?

  2. In high school I could pick from either French, Spanish, Latin, or Japanese.

    And I wound up taking Japanese because, like you, I just loved the animation and culture.

    I would highly suggest Japanese, just because it's such a fun language.  However don't take it if you're not willing to learn all the Katakana, Hiraganas, some Kanji, etc.  You hafta put a lot of work into learning it because it can be pretty confusing at times.  But in the end it's totally worth it... I took 4 years of it and thoroughly enjoyed the class. (:  Plus it's nice to go around saying I know basic Japanese now. xD Haha

  3. I used to study Japanese at home and it was a lot of fun. But yes Spanish is used more than most of the others

  4. wow your asian?stupid go take vietnamese!

  5. i really dont know

    japanese, german russian greek spanish all sounds great choose something you really like, something that you enjoy

  6. If you enjoy Japanese, I would take it..I took it in college and it was difficult, but fun!

  7. spanish is the most used

  8. If I were you I'd take spanish. Since though you have already started with French, just stay with it and work on trying to become more fluent with it. In the end though it's still your call, if you like the Japanese language and culture, then go for it.  

  9. Some times you should so what u want to do. if your into anime maybe some japanese wouldnt be all that bad. or maybe korean. im german and my school only offers spanish and latin so your pretty lucky. make do with wat u can.

    ps i ment im german living in amerca  im like 50% german. =)

  10. I think if you really like Japanese you should take it. Plus if you do switch to Latin you won't be waisting French. Back when I was 7th and 8th grade I had to take Latin and since French came from Latin a lot of words are similar.

  11. Given the changing global makeup and economy, you will be very, very well served if you can speak Chinese.  I would go that direction.  It sounds like you have a gift for languages!  Good for you!

  12. You should take whatever you like :) I wish my school didn't limit foreign languages to 3... I would be delighted to know so many languages... that's a lot of pluses in college and working world.

  13. I know that you said that you are already bilingual and you don't say what part of the world you live in (Korea, England, the US, etc.), but what you should take into consideration is the languages spoken in the particular area in which you live.  For example, the US has a very diverse population, culturally, but unless you are going to go to work for the United Nations in New York, you probably wouldn't have much use in taking Russian or Greek and would probably have much more use to learn Spanish, or Chinese.

    Employers tend to seek out a person who can speak and understand the language of its client base and land a much better job than someone who only knows one language and in your case, just knowing more than one language is going to give you the upper hand, and the more you know, the better it is for you (you can always try finding a job as a language translator.)


  14. be smart, Spanish  

  15. Take Spanish.  It's just high school.  It's not like the time allows you to study enough for you to be fluent.

  16. Continue to take French.

  17. If you have the opportunity to take Latin, I would suggest you consider it.  Through familiarity with Latin, your vocabulary skills will tremendously improve.  You will also develop an "ear" for many other romance languages that will help you when you wish to converse.

  18. chinese!!!

  19. If you have a knack for languages, you can also study them on your own.  Maybe get some CDs for learning Japanese on your own from the library (Pimsleur is great) and just try it out to see how you like it.  Japanese is pretty easy to learn, and the grammar is somewhat similar to Korean.

    Colleges will want to see that you've finished at least three years of one language.  Maybe you should continue with French until you get through French 3 or 4, and then take Japanese your last year if you'd like.

    You will also be able to pick up Spanish very easily if you already have some French & if you study Latin, so that's another one you could easily study on your own at home if you're interested.  Spanish is very helpful if you live in the US and probably the most practical of all these languages unless you plan on choosing a specific career that will require one of the others.  (Latin is great for example if you plan on going into medicine or just want to do well on verbal section of SATs.)

    Also, you can always take more language classes when you get to college.  If you're really interested in languages, you might consider a linguistics major or minor.

    In the end, you should choose whatever you're most interested in & just be prepared to change your plan down the road as your interests change.  Good luck.

  20. Spanish, Italian and Mandarin in that order because these 3 languages will dominate society in the future.  Really Portuguese but its harder to learn than Italian so learn Italian first then you will be able to pick up Portuguese.  

  21. Take Chinese or Japanese, these are tonal languages and therefore not only look more impressive, but give you skills that you would not have otherwise. French will be of little use to you compared to one of these languages and Latin.

  22. If your hearts in japenese go for it, why learn french if you don't even plan on using it?

  23. sign language

  24. Take Japanese if you like it but Spanish is used more.

    (Btw you are lucky at my school all we can learn is French)

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