
Which laptop should i gettt????????????????????

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i asked this q. a long time ago but i have sony vaio or apple macbook. ( i dont know whats the difference between macbook air and the normal one except that its liter) so ill be needing microsoft office for shcool, i like youtube, yahoo messenger, have LOTS of pics and some music, photoshop and stuff like that. what would be the best for me? im 13 by the way! :)=) thankkkk youuu!




  1. I think an Apple Macbook (either Pro or just MacBook). Macs are built for recreational use, but can also be used for working. PCs are usually just built for working. Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac is $149 and Photoshop CS3 is $199 to upgrade $649 new. Office comes with most PCs and Photoshop is the same price for PCs. A Mac can run Windows XP but not Windows Vista. It really depends on which computer you own now and how much the models that you want cost. And since you're 13, your parents have a big say in what you get. By the way, I am 11 years old. I have grown up with Macs and now use PCs. My mom is a computer teacher so I picked up great computer skills early. E-mail me at if you have anymore questions.

  2. apple is so much better. sleeker design, made out of metal, not plastic. a mac will be running smoothly in 5 months, a sony won't. mac has tons and tons of memory so you should be fine. i've had an imac and a mac laptop for about 1 yr and there still going strong!  :D

  3. hi how are you doing

  4. I would say to go with an Apple machine

    either a macbook pro or a macbook

    The is a great laptop.  With Mac osx leopard its really easy to organize photos,music,files,etc....

    the interface of an apple machine is alot nicer and easier to uset han a windows machine, thus the reason college students prefer them.

    photoshop can go on either windows or mac.

    but you can keep your photos organized with iPhoto.

    message me if you want more info. ill be here ;)

  5. if you like less viruses attacking your computer, take macbook.

    if you play many games, take vaio.

    from what you've described, macbook is OK for you and mac have more accessories for music.

    vaio itself is OK for screen quality and sound.

  6. Umm, are you sure you really need a portable computer at all?

    There's more to the difference between a Macbbok and an Air - to get that thin, Air uses much less powerful components, and has a higher price tag.

    Why have you limited this to Sony & Apple - there are many different brands.  Sony's may be good, but they are pricey.  Apples are pricey and backed up by a great customer plan that will add about $250 to the price of your computer.

    Also, why don't you mention specific models/configs of each machine?  Sony & Apple are billion-dollar companies.  They sell more than one kind of laptop.

    HP machines are also reliable, and you can get more horsepower from many PC machines than a baseline Macbook of a comparable price.

    "what would be the best for me?"

    1) A desktop.  There's nothing in your question that required a portable machine.  You could get a good desktop for the same performance and lower price.  DT's are easier to repair and upgrade.  Depending on whether or not you have a computer in your house already, another computer (esp. a laptop) becomes an expensive toy.

    2) A dell or HP or Lenovo with integrated graphics, 2GB of RAM, a 100 GB HD, recordable optical drive and a Dual Core Pentium.  Photoshop may require some power, but you should really get a DT if you want serious power.

    If you want your parents (or other relative) to foot at least some of the bill, you'll have a better chance if you aren't shooting for the XBox of laptops.

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