
Which league is it more difficult to attain and remain a world champion- Pro boxing or the UFC?

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Considering who and how often you are required to accept challenges and defend the belt, as well as the relative and absolute level of competition of the average challenger, which task is more difficult?




  1. MMA, the fans are demanding and the people in MMA is not fighting for money but for glory and greatness. Just ask BJ Penn.  

  2. in UFC or MMA you have a long fight record in your chosen area say kick boxing or karate for example, then you learn a couple more art forms to go with it , then you go to MMA or UFC and then you learn some more so when you see some one with a 2 or 3 fight record hes not an inexperienced fighter ,hes had a list of fights  but only 2 or 3 in MMA or UFC rules. and as for not holding titles for long well thats something else you all don't seem to understand say a boxing world champ holds a belt for 6 years hes had about 10 to 15 fight. An MMA fighter will have that many fights in 1year so in MMA or UFC to hold a belt for 1 year is equal to 6 in boxing terms, and i'm sure Chuck held a title for a little more than 3 years, but had a couple of injuries that meant he didn't have as many fights as would be expected of an MMA or UFC FIGHTER no where near as a matter of fact  

  3. In boxing, you will typically get 3 or 4 weak fighters who really dont deserve a title shot before a truely difficult fight.   In MMA, you might get 1 weak fight if you are lucky, but most likely it will be against the toughest competition.

  4. I think it's easier to attain a championship in UFC. Generally, you only need a two-fight win streak against good opposition to get a title shot. h**l, Forrest Griffin went 3-2 in his previous 5 fights before he won the championship from Jackson. That would be an unlikely scenario in the world of pro boxing.

    That said, for the same reason, it is probably a lot more difficult to retain the championship in UFC than it is in pro boxing. As a champion boxer, you can pick and choose your opponets, like Roy Jones Jr and Floyd Mayweather. That's one of the reasons it took so long for Antonio Margarito to get a title shot. In the UFC, however, you're forced to defend against all comers, whether they deserve a shot or not.

  5. id say MMA, ....after watchin boxing and mma(since the sport was born) id say expect the unexpected, anything can happen in a MMA fight, any champion can get caught on any day from a random punch or a unexpected sub..... MMA is filled with upsets.................oh and there hasnt been too many champions thats held a belt in MMA for longer than a year maybe i think, i dont think any MMA champ will ever hold a belt for 3 years(at any weight class), belts switch hands often in MMA....Anderson Silva has had his ufc Middleweight belt for a while now, thats probably *one of the longest* belt reigns in MMA history, he won oct 14 2006

    *hey dundokid, did you not understand what i wrote you shmuck, understand something before you correct someone

    and to correct you Liddel won the belt apr 05 and rampage took it May 07 is that 3 years????....YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!

    ...funny how you guys are so sure LIDDELL held a title for over 3 years when ihave his title reign posted above

  6. Just to clear up a little misconception from Thrasher.  I believe Chuck Lidell held his belt for around 3years?  Correct me if i'm wrony anybody

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