
Which lessons in life have had the most impact on decisions you have made...?

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With hindsight, would you do anything differently ...?




  1. "Think million of times before doing anything"

    Since I was a kid, all my decisions were related to this, I mean I was always afraid to do anything, I always think alot before doing anything in my life, which prevent me from doing many good things.

    Yes, If I return back to the past, I will do manythings i didn't do it in that time,

    But lets forget the Past, bcoz it will not change anything, Lets think about our future, I hope it will better than the past :)

    Good question as always Aussie :)    

  2. I learned that life is full of disappointment and the longer you live, the harder it gets...but there's always that light at the end of the tunnel that takes all your pain away.

    I guess I also learned that when you meet the right people that you call friends, true friends, you should grab onto them and never let them go.

    I don't think I would do things differently, the end result will always be the same, we do have choices in life but our fate is determined already.

  3. Years ago, I was literately run over by a boat once..crushed and temporarily drowned...walked out of this accident with a mere tiny scratch and a slight bruise on my chest. All because of one stupid decision...

    Considering where I am today; I learned never to regret anything in life...and that things are never as bad or hopeless as they seem at times.....and I also learned to truly and fully trust my instincts

    I would never change a thing about my life...........

  4. ahh well i made alot of stupid mistakes being the rebellious and anoying teenager i am, i dont listen to anybody, people tell me to do something and i do the opposite just to spit them, i ruined my own life so many times because of that, i need to learn to listen to people who want the best for me, i learned i am NOT super woman as much as i would like to pretend i am and i do NOT know anything, i am naive and i cant make very many decisions on my own yet, and i cant trust everybody but i need to trust somebody or else id be totally lost

    even though i messed up alot, i think each mistake helped me realize so much more about life, about myself, and about the people around me, in a way that if i always played it safe and never took a risk  i woulda NEVER understood any of that and i wouldnt know what i know now, who i am now is the outcome of who i was and what i have been through, and i can say i am sorta proud on where i am and where i see myself headed

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