i normally would ask the people in petco or petsmart or whatever, but they have no idea wtf im talking about. so anyways, i am planning on having a planted aquarium that replicates the Amazon. i have a 29 gallon tank and i really want a good lighting system that promotes growth, keeps the plants photosynthesizing and everything. i would really like a lighting system that lets me keep my plants alive and flourish. i was looking at this one just now:
Nova Extreme HO Light Fixture
would that be fine? i plan on growing some intense plants in the future. An example would be like Iwagumi planted tanks. would that hood work?
and does the amount of bulbs matter? i see people with like 4 T5 bulbs+! is it cuz they have a bigger tank? what would be considered necessary for a 29 gal. such as mine. i encourage all you to go all out on ur answers (if u need to).
the hood/lighting i currently have is simply for show o_0.