
Which logo looks better & Why?

by Guest67045  |  earlier

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I'm particularly interested in opinions regarding the "ambivista" text:

1st image shows two-tone, separating the two parts of the company's name

2nd image shows gradient that matches the logo image

I know that the sizes and resolution are a little different between the two images, but these were quick drafts...

Thanks! :-)




  1. #2-It is more eye catching and also easier on the eyes.

  2. The top one, seeing as the supporting icon has a gradient, I don't see why the text needs to have one as well. It just looks simple and clean.

  3. Deffinaitly the first one is better, it is eye catching.

  4. 2nd one it is clearer nicer stands out more, and looks more nice to the ice.

  5. the first one is easier on the eyes

  6. I prefer the look of 2 because I like the two-tone colour.

    But 1 is more memorable as it separates the words so is easier to remember at a glance.

  7. I like that one with the two colors. It looks more professional. That is my opinion though!

  8. I personally like number 1.

  9. I think the first one is easier to read.

  10. The first one seems more professional and less art school project.   Nice clean lines and defined name.

  11. I still have the same issues with your logo as I had yesterday, but I see that you have at least re-visited the tagline.

    A good test of a logo is to look at it in black and white in its smallest reduced form. In that context, I think you might lose the gradient in your second design.

    In the advertising world, we never show a client a logo with a color treatment until they have first bought off on its design. I think that approach might serve you well also.

  12. Just an opinion from an old secretary:  I like the first one.  The second one appears to me that the printer was out of ink.  The logo looks good that way but I think the company name should not be gradient.  You want your name to stand out like it does  in the first image.

  13. The first one because its such a nice shade of color and they go together very well.

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