
Which makes a better pet: a Guinea Pig or Rabbit?

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Which makes a better pet: a Guinea Pig or Rabbit?




  1. guinea pigs smell worse, but rabbits shed more

  2. a hamster.

  3. Rabbit!

  4. Guinea pigs, although they do have an unpleasant habit of peeing on people. Just buy lots of towels ;-)

  5. I've had both and prefer guinea pigs. Aside from the fact that guineas tend to be more gentle and friendlier (despite their cuteness, rabbits can be quite ornery), guineas are easier to keep.

    Guinea pigs seem to do ok in cages, so long as you let them out and play with them regularly. Rabbits, on the other hand, really do need more space. Unless you're willing to rabbit-proof your home, litter train the bunny, and let in have the run of your place (at least during the daytime), then it's just mean to keep them locked up all the time.  

  6. Totally a Guinea pig

    6 reasons:

    -they don't bite

    -they don't make loud noises

    -they are more cuddly

    -they are freakishly cute

    -they dont Ripe up a pic of ur crush

    -they are way cute

  7. I personally prefer guinea pigs. But rabbits are cool too since they can be clicker trained like a dog. My guinea pigs do tricks too... they know "kisses" "say hello" and "stand up". A lot of people think that rodents do nothing but sit around all day.. but with time and patience they can be trained. I guess there's advantages to both, but I just prefer piggies.  

  8. Guinea pigs, they are more social and i have never been bitten, they love to be cuddled, i am even holding a baby guinea pig, from my babies litter. I love my little LuLu to death she is a CUDDLE MONSTER! Guinea pigs are very vocal, cause they are telling you how they are feeling! Rabbits sometimes bite very hard, and they do not make good pets for people who want a pet to snuggle and hold, cause they struggle and scratch (NO OFFENSE TO THE RABBIT OWNERS).

    So yeah i'd have to say GET A GUINEA PIG!

  9. i would get a guinea pig , because they are good pets and they don't bit as much as a rabbit does. they very sweet and love to be held and talk to

  10. definitly a guinea pig, they are so sweet and nice and tame and the don't bite

  11. After having both, I prefer guinea pigs. They are easier to handle, more sociable, and less nippy in my experience.  

  12. a guinea pig. they are cheaper to look after and more sociable.

  13. I prefer rabbits. They are less overall work and since they do not like to be picked up, I dont have to with them.

    Although I really love both, if I had to chose it would definitely be rabbits. They are almost like cats. very independent in terms of what type of socialization they want.

  14. A rabbit, they are more easily litter trained and fun to watch. They do little hop dances when they run around. They are cuter as well. Though some rabbits are not lap sitters, guinea pigs are often skittish. Guinea pigs also have a shorter life span.

  15. I own a guinea pig and I've foster-cared numerous rabbits.

    I think I like guinea pigs a little more than I like rabbits. Rabbits are harder to handle 'cuz they run very fast and kick their back feet when you pick them up. You have to be very careful when you pick them up 'cuz if they kick too hard they could break their spine. That's really worrisome to think about...can make it hard to trim their nails.... And they can be naughty when you take them out to play. Some of them are like 2-year-old kids.

    You have to be careful with guinea pigs too, but they don't kick their feet or run really fast. Also, I like the noises piggies make. They're really cute. Bunnies make noises too, but they're just not as cute (they mostly purr and make honking noises). And guinea pigs aren't mischevious like bunnies; piggies just wanna walk through tunnels and have some fun; they don't want to play the "let's-see-how-many-hours- it-takes-you-to-catch-me" game (like bunnies sometimes do).

    I love bunnies, don't get me wrong, but in my experience guinea pigs are nicer.

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