
Which makes a better pet a King snake or Ball Python? Why?

by Guest44709  |  earlier

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I am looking to buy a new pet snake but I am not sure which kind to get. I have narrowed it down to only two types of snakes, a King Snake or a Ball Python. Any suggestions?




  1. I would have to say a ball python because they are much more docile and do not move as fast as a kingsnake would. They are also much more readily available in pet stores. They are also a nice starter python becuase they only grow about 6 feet long.

  2. I'm new to snakes, but I love the way my new ball kind of wraps around my hand and arm.  Even though my snake is smaller right now I like the heaviness of the older snakes' bodies. I also love the way his head is defined.  Kings are pretty, though and so cute when they're hatchlings!  I've heard that they like to boogie and will get away from you, too.  I

  3. i have 2 ball pythons (normal) and 2 kingsnakes (albino banana & mexican black).  

    A lot of pet shops will tell you that ball pythons make good first time snakes but they really don’t…ball pythons take specific humidity requirements and ball pythons can go on really long hunger strikes (like for a year) which by the end of it both snake and owner are stressed out. ball pythons are usually very docile however i have been bitten 3 times by my male ball python.

    kings, dont need a whole lot of humidity. a lot of times the babies are a bit nippy but their bite doesnt feel like anything at fact you might not even know that you have been bitten by a baby unless you are looking at the snake when it bites you, literally one day i had my mexcian black out and thought i felt something on my thumb i looked down and the little thing was latched on. kings are usually very easy to doesnt take much at all and they seem to like being out, at least both of mine do, if they are poking their head out from under the substrate and i go into one of their tanks they will come out fast and get on my hand and come chill on my computer desk.

    good luck

  4. They're both good pet snakes, but, the King Snake is more active and the Ball Python is more likely to be more pleasant to hold and handle..

    Most colubrids I've met are squirmy as heck, while ball pythons will generally just coil up or drape around you.. Depends on what you want in a snake.. Kings are more likely to be moving around the enclosure..

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