
Which martial art get owned the most? No lies, facts from history.?

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I have my own ideas, but if you respond you have to provide proof of someone getting owned (video or explanation). For example, a YouTube clip or a story you heard or witnessed.

You can also tell us what martial art is especially good for owning the other one.




  1. Well I heard this one time about this one guy who was like a karate and judo champion and he totally got his but kicked by this guy who had only did like a year of ninjitsu so ninjitsu like totally owns judo AND karate and it's tru coz I heard it from my brothers friend whos cousin was the ninjitsu guy and he told me about this other time where his cousin got in a fight with like 5 guys from a muay thai gym and he totaly destroyed them and broke one guys jaw coz they were weak *** and slow and didn't have any power in their hits so yeah ninjitsu totally owns everything


    Muay Thai I think... There are no strings being used everyone who got hurt actually got hurt all the broken bones actual broken Bones... Every part of scenery broken actually broken...  The mans name is Tony Jaa by the way

  3. It's the man not the sport, each trained and prepared man is a force, but not all are equal, taller, stronger, faster, luckier. tough call

  4. It is not the style which is better in a fight but the person.

    Just because you (for example) are a 10 year veteran of Mauy Thai does not mean you won't get the sh*t kicked out of you by someone who has been learning Judo for a year.

    It is not the style but the fighter which is better.

  5. you tube videos are not proof of anything.  Anyone with any kind of agenda can "prove" whatever they want on youtube.

    Things like experience, speed, quickness, timing, vision, flexibility, balance, athletic ability and power go a lot further in determining the outcome of a fight than what style the fighters are using.


  6. The ones that are forgotten, and no longer practiced, the ones that did not survive, obviously enough.

  7. Go back and watch the early UFC's, like UFC 1 through maybe 6 or 7, when it was style vs. style, with few people cross training.  In those days, grappling styles (brazilian jujistsu, but also wrestling, judo, and sambo) "owned" traditional striking styles (karate, kenpo, kung fu, etc.).  Also, kickboxers tended to beat traditional striking styles, but lose to grapplers.  

    Today, everyone cross trains, so the debate has lost most of its meaning.  I was recently talking to a guy who trains kenpo and he was talking about rolling and doing arm bars in class - 15 years ago when I did kenpo we didn't grapple at all!  Similarly, my instructor, who started out as a point fighter and later kickboxer, is now studying mma, and is adding basic grappling to his teaching.

  8. The one style that I have seen get the most owned on Youtube is Taekwondo. I have seen TKD stylists get owned so many times by so many different fighters from other styles it isn't even funny. Among the styles I have seen beat TKD are Wing Chun, Kyokushin Kai, Muay Thai, Sanda, boxing, kickboxing, and Gracie Jiu Jitsu. I haven't seen TKD lose every time, but I have seen it get owned the most times. I think that TKD needs to be treated as a sport.

  9. I thought I had heard every systems political bullshido and every equally bullshido myth .Today I managed to learn some new ones.

    As for someones brothers cousin owning some black belt in whatever it's been my experience it was probably some orange belt wannabe who said he was a black belt.If so I hope he got hurt good.

  10. Pugpaws, bunminju, James, Kenpo, and kunumo have given you good answers. Christian I just feel sorry for you. i have seen you quest for a style to harden all parts of your body and now, stating that you beleive everything in that video is real, shows you really don't train and don't have a clue.

    Alex- The people who fought in the first couple UFC's were nobodies that anybody had never heard of, and have done nothing since. Royce didn't do so well or have it quite so easy once some real talent started showing up.

    ksnake- How do you know they were TKD? people can lable them anything they want. i saw one with supposedly BJJ and it was old, and was clearly japanes Ju jitsu.

    You tube proves nothing, anyone can put anything on there and lable it anything they want.

    The fact is it is all down to the individual fighter. Sanchou fighters regurly trounce Muay Thai fighters, and vice versa.

    Styles do not fight, people do.

  11. Owned ?   What is your question?

    Then why didn't you just say it that way to start with.

    The question is a matter of opinion. There is no accurate answer to it.

    Edit: It does not surprise me that you have both your questions and answers private. I'm only surprised that you do not have your email private too.

  12. No martial art "owns" another, there is no MA that can give someone an edge, it always depends on the level of skill of the fighter. For example, martial arts like Dim Mak and Tai Chi have highly advanced moves that can supposedly kill a person with one blow using pressure points or chi, so these martial arts would "own" every other martial art in existence simply because the others don't have this move. However, the dedication and skill it takes to effectively learn these moves is such that almost no one knows them; and fighters in martial arts that don't have any moves like that can defeat fighters from those two martial arts easily. So if it was only about the art itself then this is an easy question, but it is not, the fighter always plays the biggest role in the use of his/her martial art.

    As a sidenote, let me relate that "youtube" is not a knowledge depository or a reliable source for accurate events. What you will see on youtube is what is most popular, not what is necessarily true. For instance, what is popular in the martial arts world right now is MMA and UFC so 90% of the videos you see will either support those or bash non-MMA/UFC. If Tai Chi suddenly became popular all you would see would be videos of people doing Chi blasts, and Chi healing, etc. So keep in mind that most video clip sites cater to entertainment, and NOT information.

    Happy Training

  13. you're asking what martial arts were designed to combat other martial arts? ...mostly all of them.

    thats what they were designed for mostly... field combat against other martial artists.

    wing chun for example was specifically designed to fight more "traditional" shaolin arts. because the temple betrayers taught shaolin kung fu to their enemies. so wing chun was born specifically to combat this.

    what you're getting at is not possible to answer. it would all be opinion only. my personal opinion is that tkd gets owned alot by other styles. others would disagree.

    the point is...the art is less important than the person practicing it and how good they are at it.

  14. we do not understand the question

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