
Which martial art is the best??

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i want everyones opinion to which one is the best and why?

and what is better for kids and what is better for an adult?




  1. 1. for kids okinawan karate.

    2. Adults, jiujitsu or karate.

    3. Overall KARATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    pur original okinawan karate is the best for everything, tournaments, self defence, excersice.

  2. the best martial art would have to be muay thai or san shou but either one wouldnt be a good match up for a BJJ or Judo guy. for kids karate or bjj is a good choice. adults i would say judo would be a good choice

  3. Okay, I have been through almost every martial art, and something I've realized that the one I've committed to most is the one i'm in right now: ATA Taekwondo. It's good for all ages,a great exercise and is totally FUN!!!

  4. The ancient Tibetan martial art of BOABOM.

  5. kids...judo


    Just my opinion but as others have said ultimately its down to the individual to adapt to and feel comfortable using.

    Hmmm how many times have I said this Hmmm :)***

  6. wrestling is. deffinatley wrestling. can take people down. and everyone knows how to punch

  7. Hi there

    Simply put there isn't one art that's better than the other and the same applies to the second part of your question.

    Good teachers produce good students regardless of their art.

    It is true that certain arts suit children better because they are better structured or easier to grasp. Karate, Judo, Taekwondo are some of the more popular ones that children seem to pick up quickly.

    Aikido, Jujutsu are more complex, require more commitment and by nature are more adult orientated.

    By definition martial arts are fighting arts and in some cases were very much killing arts. So it goes without saying that these have to be tailored to suit the young ones.

    The subject matter has to be appropriate for its target audience.

    Best wishes


  8. There is no right or wrong answer to this question. I personally prefer to learn Aikido. It's self-defense.

    I would recommend, however, taking martial arts (whichever one you take) in an approved class. I learned Aikido from my sister's boyfriend, and that was painful, since mostly he didn't tell me what he was going to do :P

    I believe that any kid or any adult can learn any kind of martial arts if they put their mind to it. However, adults might prefer Tai Chi because it reduces stress, is quite relaxing, and helps you focus.

  9. The answer is none. The art isn't what determines effectiveness or skill, the artist using it determines words like 'best'. Case in point, I have seen Tai Qi Quan practitioners successfully immobilize and defeat martial artists from other arts considered more aggressive - in this case, a karateka and a taekwondoist. Wushu practitioners have been defeated by hapkidoists and karateka, and swordsmen of one ryu have been beaten by those of another. It's the martial artist that decides skill, not the style he/she uses.

    If you're asking what our FAVORITE arts are, mine is hands down Hapkido with Taekwondo. I've done it for a total of just under 9 years, and I have to say that, to me, it's the most well balanced. But that's my opinion. Wushu is another favorite of mine, and I'm beginning in Shotokan Karate, so we'll have to see.

    As far as which is best for a child? It depends on the child and the dojo. If the school is GOOD, eg. not a McDojo, then the teacher will be able to instill skill and values in the child without problem becuase they'll be able to handle children.

    For an adult? The same goes for them as with kids. It's a good teacher, not the style, as well as personal drive, dedication, and resolve, that counts.

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