
Which martial art or other fighting technique would be suitable, acknowledging the following criteria?

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The aim is to prevent an aggressor from causing you harm, a way of stopping a person hitting you or using a weapon against you, without actually causing them any serious injury by kicking or punching them.

This must be done in a way that does not use kicks and punches, but pushing, joint locks, holds etc to stop the person from hurting you without causing them serious injury. It may need to involve pushing them away, putting them off balance, restraining them, holding and moving them, or releasing their grip on you (using pressure points etc.)

It would be better if this could be done without you being on the ground at all, as this would leave you in a vulnerable position. The idea is to protect yourself and others from an aggressor using minimal force.

Which would be the best techniqes for doing this?




  1. Aikido/Hopkido may fit your needs or Judo perhaps. But let me ask you...

    In a life threatening situation when someone has picked up a pipe, crow bar, baseball bat or worse against you why on Earth would wish to simply push the person down to allow them to continue attacking you time after time????    

    In this scenario what happens when you tire?  They will eventually get the best of you and bash your skull in.  an assailant with a weapon doesn't even need training just one lucky strike or slash and you are finished.  

    I teach my students any attacker has a minimum of nine tools they can employ against you in a confrontation 1. left hand, 2. right hand 3. left elbow, 4. right elbow, 5. left foot, 6. right foot, 7. left knee, 8 right knee, 9. head and mouth.

    It is your aim to eliminate or control as many points in the confrontation to eliminate their use against you.  Can't punch can't fight, can't walk cant fight, can't breadth can't fight etc...

    I should note once an assailant chooses to pick up a deadly weapon and use it against you and unarmed victim you have every right in fear for you life to defend yourself until such time as the confrontation and attack is defused.  

    Further try this sometime.  Walk up to someone and ask them to attack you, without striking, kicking or injuring them try to employ one of your wrist leverages or throws.  

    If you don't effect the nervous system, stun your opponent or properly take their weight you will not succeed in your attempt to take them down, leverage their joint or throw them.  

    I wish you well in your endeavor but I would caution you without years and years of training a system such as Aikido may not work in a life threatening situation.  All a good ground fighter need to do is close the distance, take you down, hit you in the face a couple of times, take your back and choke you out.  The Gracie's have proven this to be true countless times over the years.  

    I would focus on learning a system that allows you to defend yourself in any situation and gives you plenty of tools to use to diffuse a confrontation and use whatever level of violence necessary to protect your life, family and friends if the situation warrants it.

    Good luck.


  2. Aikido

  3. Sounds like Aikido to me

  4. Tai Chi

  5. Aikido perhaps :)***

  6. for that aikido is perfect or brazilian jujitsui

  7. I would say Aikido.

    Aikido is a strictly defensive art that teaches you to protect yourself by using an attacker’s own size and strength against him.  Violent kicks and punches are not used in aikido.  Rather, an attacker is controlled with minimum force by blending and using circular movements to throw or pin that person down.

  8. Yep a vote for Aikido from me too...

    Perfect for this sort of thing...


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