
Which martial arts style would be best suited for me?

by Guest56850  |  earlier

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300 pounds, 6'3". well built (though I could lose about 50lbs to get to my ideal bmi) 30 years old, strong and well conditioned.

I have been working in the security industry for a few years now, and would like to improve my 'resume' and abilities.





  1. If you want something practical, look for something more in the grappling line.  Aikido or Jiu Jitsu, personally I rather more traditional teachers then the newer "sport" martial arts that are common today.

    If you want a striking martial art I would suggest Go Ju Ryu, Shorin Ryu, but I have a preference for Okinawan martial arts.  Its smaller movements and less kicking would suit your larger body style.  Again I would like for traditional dojo's for this as well.

    Don't be concerned about belts and c**p like that and you'll have a great time.

  2. ive been in the security industry for about 30 years(legal and otherwise)and i suggest you give freestyle karate a go.most good freestyle karates will teach you stand up,ground/grappling,weapons and practicle street wise self defence.zen do kai,bushi kai and to a lesser extent kempo are very good styles to learn if your in the security industry,that would depend on what country your in.

    EDIT.ive been doing and teaching MA for 40 years and have used it on many occasions in real situations on both sides of the law and i can honestly say that krap maga is absolute c**p you would be much better of to do as i suggested or crosstrain in different styles.

  3. I would say without a doubt Krav Maga. It's a pure self defense system. I know a ton of police that train at the same gym I do. A couple are big guys too. They also incorporate crazy conditioning routines. They want to make sure you never tire in a fight when it involves your life. It's good for your resume too because alot of security elite and professionals take it.

  4. Judo.

  5. try a Muay Thai conditioning class...heavy cardio & bag work...very good workout for me. Go as hard as you can or do what ever you can do that consistant in going.

  6. There are plenty of bigger guys at my taekwondo dojang, and it would def. help you lose weight.

    My best advice to you would be to look around your area and go to some sample classes (most people offer one free class). There are plenty of mcdojos out there that are essentially belt factories, so you want to make sure you find a respectable place with a good history.

  7. Judo

  8. that size you prolly cant move taht fast (no offense)

    so striking martial arts are out fo teh question

    (karate and tea kwon do)

    akido and judo would work well with you high body mass, as you probly have the strenth to lift and flip teh average man, and both of these martial arts would increase your compentencu at doing this..


  9. I think Karate or Tae Kwon Do would be good, they teach pretty standard things first that you can use easily without much practice that are still impressive

  10. Krav Maga. It is very easy to learn is very effective. Many police forces use it because of it's effectiveness.

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