
Which masters degrees give you more chances to obtain a job in an US embassy?

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I'm thinking... Masters in Political Science or Public Administration... or? Any other ideas?!




  1. Masters in Political Science is more desirable as that is what is listed on their websites as requirements. Other things which may increase your chances are a vast knowledge of other countries and their culture. However extensive travel may pose as a negative on your security checks.

  2. International Studies, and spending time abroad in college, internship.

    Truthfully, seems the plum jobs are handed to the people who do favors or rub elbows with the powerful.

    Would recommend history minors so you know who you are dealing with.  Would take ethics and philosophy courses.

  3. Norwich University offers a degree in Diplomacy. I would also recommend a study in the language of the country in which the embassy is based.

    Political Science is always good and in some cases, Economics is a plus.

  4. For Political Science, all you need is a BS degree, because

    it is mostly just that, BS.

    Seriously though if you are going to work at an Embassy,

    PS is probably better than PA.

    Good Luck

  5. International Law, International Relations (JFK, Obama, Bill Clinton had both), or Political Science, History. If you are looking for an ambassadorship, you need to be a very wealthy donor to the winner of the presidency.

  6. You wil find, as you grow older, that the axiom "It isn't what you know, it is who you know!" is much truer than we ever would have imagined or desired.  Yet, it is what it is.

    So, pick a degree, and study hard, and while you are working on the B.A. or B.S. degree, start making contacts with people in the know about embassy's.

    You might want to look into Internships which might be offered during the summer or winter breaks.

    Remember this - treat all people with fairness and equity, including Caucasian-Americans!

  7. Masters in Foreign Diplomacy will be the best course to be employed in the US embassy.

  8. Why do you want to obtain a job in a US embassy?  Are you a spy or something?

    If you are a law-abiding, patriotic American then I would suggest that you follow a graduate degree track similiar to the Master's Program in International Relations as offered by Yale University.

    Most non-military embassy personnel fall under the auspices of the U.S. Department of State. Apply for a job there.

  9. either/or.   The department of state is responsible for who works in the US Embasies, and since they only accept about 200 of 15000 applicants per year, it is a very difficult job to get

  10. Massive contributions to either the Republican or Democratic Party and an Associates Degree from Pat Robertson U will do you more good

  11. id think political science and a foreign language would be your best bet

  12. A degree in getting to know the rich filth that run this planet

    and how they

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