
Which media outlets are the least biased in their election coverage?

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Which media outlets are the least biased in their election coverage?




  1. FOX

  2. C-Span.  Foxnews is biased, but it is at least biased in both directions, and you know it when you see it.

  3. Fox.

    MSNBC is the worst.

  4. CNN and Campbell Brown her interview the first night of the convention was just an outstanding show of objective journalism in fact every interview she does with a republican and her in depth analyst show that when you are a liberal you have a depth of mentality unequaled in the animal world

  5. NPR and PBS, although both of them will favor a person who doesn't want to cut their funding over one who does.  But the true judge of bias will always be yourself.  Liberals consider Fox News biased, while conservatives consider CNN biased.  The truth lies somewhere in between.  I switch back and forth between the two and make up my own mind.

  6. Thank God for Keith Olbermann and MSNBC

    Mr. News

  7. even the AP is a mix of far left and far right sometimes.

    I cannot believe people are saying FOX with a straight face.

  8. C-SPAN

  9. On TV, probably CNN.  In print, maybe the Washington Post or Time Magazine.  I expect to see bias on the main networks, MSNBC, Fox News, the NY Post and the NY Times.  I really like

  10. Well I have yet to really find one. Fox is definitely the WORST!

    CNN and MSNBC is so so, and they have given the McCain campaign a little more light, but they keep talking about experience that Palin has and has yet to proove their point.  

  11. That would be the "fair and balanced" Fox News, the others, CNN, ABC, NBC are all Liberal, Fascist channels.

  12. All are equally biased in different directions. I cringe every time I hear flagrant bias on CNN.

  13. fox!

  14. Fox definitely.  Have any of you out there who answered this actually watched Fox News?  Doesn't sound like it.  I switch channels during commercials, and CNN and MSNBC are so liberal biased it makes me sick.  Fox is fair and balanced, although they do lean more right than left.  All of the others are FAR left and will never admit it.  Watch or listen to them for a short time and you'll see what I mean.

  15. PBS, BBC & NPR.

  16. CNN is pretty neutral.

    I find that the fox network as a whole is bias and at times racist.  Ever notice that if a person is believed to have committed a crime, when the perpetrator is black they always show his or her picture.  When the perpetrator is white, they almost never show the picture.  This is true of all television media, but more so of FOX.

  17. None of them.

    It is impossible to report news without bias.

    It is important for people to get many sides of a story instead of just one source.

  18. I try to watch the Public station mostly.  While some would say it is not unbiased it certainly is less than the others.

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