
Which media players have auto-resume for podcasts and audio books?

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I asked this before and it was removed so I'll ask again.

Disclaimer: I'm really not asking for anything illegal.

Are there any media players out there that, like iTunes and Miro, can auto resume a podcast or audio book? iTunes does both on a file by file basis and automatically with podcasts and audio books. Miro does this with podcasts. I've tried other players like Amarok and Banshee and, IIRC, they dont' have this feature. It seems when I ask this people don't know what it is I'm asking. Auto resume is a feature that is applied to audio or video files that when you pause a playback in the middle of playback and quit the player, you can then come back to that audio or video file and have it start right where you left off. This is good if you're interrupted in the middle of a podcast or audio book and have to do something that makes you shut down the computer or quit the player.

Nothing illegal asked there. Just a question about a feature of media players these days.




  1. If you use itunes and an ipod, all you have to do is put the item into a playlist. It can be the only item in the playlist if you want. When you stop listening, even if you go to another category to listen to songs on your ipod, or even if you shut the computer off, it picks up where you left off next time you come back.

    If you put more than one item in the playlist, the ipod will play one item all the way through, the it will play the next item without you having to do anything.


  2. I know what you're talking about, but I can't think of any programs I know of that have auto resume.  I know several mp3 players that support that feature, but no media players for your computer.  I'm not sure if they'll know, but you could try asking a question to the mp3 and media player editors over at  They have a weekly blog post where they answer user questions, and they also answer questions by email, so you could try asking them.  I hope you find what you're looking for though.

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