
Which media would you chose and why???

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Imagine... you had to move alone to a lonly island...which media would you take with you to the island?? 1.( Reading : Books, Maazines)

2(Television : DVD, Video)

3(Playstation, Computergames)





  1. internet

  2. definitely the internet. Then i could read, watch films, play games and keep in touch with people. Or maybe just call for help!!!!

  3. How about none?

    My own desert island, with only my own wits to keep me alive...

    Imagine a total break from the imposed wisdom of others, no history, no electronic buzzing, no news, foreign affairs, no weather forecasts- every day a surpise.

    Welcome to MY paradise!

    But if I had to choose one to satisfy your request, I'd have to agree with the answers above, which is that the net combines all of the others.

    All the best.

  4. you would not have time to spare for any of those things as you would spend most of your time sourcing food and drinking water  also shelter  

  5. The Internet because it would allow me to keep up to date with events around the world and let me contact friends and family.

  6. Dur - the internet would supply me with all I needed of the previous categories!

  7. internet because you can do everything on there lol such as watch tv shows, play games etc. Plus i could msn back home so i wouldnt be that lonely hehe

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