
Which middle name for Emma sounds/flows the best? ?

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Emma Kherington (Care-ing-tin)

Emma Katherine

Emma Chasity

Emma Karley

Emma Karol

Emma Francis

Emma Jean

Thanks! :o)




  1. Emma Katherine is pretty. Very classic.

    If I were her i'd go by Emma Kate.

  2. Emma Jean or Emma Karley

  3. None there all horrible

  4. Emma Jean

    I also like, despite the fact that they're so popular, Emma Grace and Emma Rose

  5. I like Emma Katherine. very elegant.

  6. I really like Emma Kherington.

    it sounds really pretty to me for some reason.

    Plus it's really a unique name.

    And i really like unique names, not really into plain and ordinairy.

  7. Emma Jean but i also like Emma Hope or Emma Kait

  8. what's with all the Ks... I would rather see c's instead... like emma catherine wouldn't be so bad... but my favorite is emma jean... what about emma mae!?

  9. Emma Katherine is really pretty! I would love to have that name!

  10. Emma Jean

    I acutally like

    emma marie


    Emma Madison

  11. Emma Francis, and Emma Jean flow the best. I know this isn't out of your picks, but I think Emma Victoria would be really pretty :) I hope this helps!!!

  12. Emma Jean,

    Jean is my middle name and i love it, I think it is so cute!

  13. I think that Emma Kherington is beautiful! My Emma has a pretty average MN: Emma Rose.



  14. I like Emma Kherington or Emma Katherine the best.

  15. I like Emma Jean but a suggestion from me would be Emma Leigh (Like Emily but not really) or Emma Janey or Emma Thorn

  16. I like Kherington...unique and it sounds really cool!

  17. I like Emma Jean. A girl I know named her baby Emma Grace. Isn't that pretty?

  18. Emma Francis. It is original classic and cute.

  19. Emma Jean.

  20. Emma Nicole

    Emma Kristine

    Emma Jean fits the best but sounds a little 'country' to offense

  21. Emma Paige sounds nice to me.  Let the name flow with your last name.

  22. I like Emma Jean.

  23. either Emma Kherington or Emma Jean.

    Jean is a classic and easy to spell but kinda popular.

    Kherington- unique and cute but she'll never be able to spell it. my middle name is Michelle and i couldn't spell it for nothing when i was younger, some of my friends still can't. lol.

    butwhichever you choose is great!

  24. I like Emma Kherington, but the last name would make a difference. A short first name flows better with a long last name. Emma is short and sweet, and Kherington is a nice compliment, especially if the last name is also short. Guess I think of middle name as an extension on the first.

  25. Emma Katherine (I think this sounds the best.)

    Emma Karley

    Emma Karol

    Emma Francis

    Emma Jean (It flows, but I don't like the combo).

  26. Emma Katherine or Emma Jean sound the best to me

  27. emma kherington

    emma katherine

    emma noelle is cute too!

  28. I was going to name my baby Emma Lee, but I had a boy instead!  I like Emma jean the best out of those choices.  Good luck!

  29. Emma Jane

  30. Emma Katherine is the winner hands down.  

  31. I like Emma Jean.  I have a one year old daughter and I named her Emma Elizabeth.  All of them are very pretty!

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