
Which middle name for Logan is better?

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Logan Christopher

Logan Joshua (daddy is Josh)

Logan Michael (My dads middle name is Michael)

Logan Matthew

Logan Thomas

Logan William




  1. Logan Thomas is the name of my step son's little brother (his mom's other child). Once he figured out he had 3 parts of his name he no longer uses his last name. If you call him by his first and last name he gets upset and tell you that that isnt his name, its Logan Thomas!

    I like Logan Matthew though

  2. personally i like

    Logan Michael


    Logan Thomas

  3. Joshua or Thomas!!

    Love them both!!  Also LOVE the name was on our shortlist!  We went with Lucas instead!!

  4. I have 2 middle names, why not try Logan Michael Joshua:

    Logan M J

  5. i like michael

  6. i like logan matthew

  7. Logan Michael or Logan Matthew

  8. Joshua, maybe William and Thomas. But the best name is Logan berry. lol j.k.  

  9. I Think logan christopher

  10. Just to carry on with family names, I think Logan Joshua or Logan Michael.

  11. Logan Michael is nice

    so is Logan Matthew

  12. I like Logan Thomas or Logan William

  13. my sons name is logan

    we were going to go with logan patrick

    or logan micheal( my husbands middle name)

    he is now LOGAN MADDOX..i love it...good luck

  14. Logan Matthew

  15. I would go for Joshua or Michael, have his middle name mean something.  

  16. logan thomas

  17. My son's name is logan too!  His middle name is Charles (after my grandpa).  On the list I like Logan Matthew.  I also like Logan Scott.

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