Annika is a Swedish, Dutch, and German pet name for Anna. My mother's name was Ann, and my sister's name is Anna, so I'd like to honor them both by naming my first daughter Annika. Now all I need to do is nail down the middle name.
Annika Beth -- My mother's middle name was Elizabeth.
Annika Faye -- Mae and Raye are family names and go well with Annika, but since my sister, most of my cousins, and I all have these as middle names, I'd rather be a bit more original. Since Faye rhymes with Mae and Raye, this would keep tradition alive while still standing out a bit from all the Emily Maes and Madison Rayes in my family.
Annika Faith -- Annika means "grace", and Faith means, well, faith. I thought the meanings went well together.
Annika Kate -- Kate is my best friend's name.
So, which name do you think flows the best?
And no, I'm not expecting, just fantasizing like every other teenage girl. :) I'll also be getting a flour baby for a school assignment in September, and I'd like to pick the most beautiful name out there for my little bundle of, um, wheat and polysaccharides.