
Which military branch has the best lifestyle for thier soldiers?

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Best living conditions, the way they eat, getting to see family




  1. Being a spouse of an army soldier for thirteen years, I can speak of what I seen and heard I would hands down agree with U.S airforce.

  2. Soldiers that is the Army and no one else.  The AF is Airmen, Navy is Sailors, Marines are Marines, and Coast Guard are Coasties.  

    All branches provide for their personnel and families in different ways.  Navy is rebuilding housing now and has some of the best where before it was the worse.  Army has Family Services and decent housing as well.  Air Force has less deployments.  And the list goes on.  

  3. The Air Force gives it's members the best standard of living.

    The Navy pays it's members the most, to provide for themselves what they want.

  4. I've always been impressed by most of the facilities on Air Force and Navy bases compared to Army as far as locations go. Many Army posts are constructing better housing now though.

    As far as food, it depends on the dining facilities on post. And most people don't eat at the dining facilities on post unless they are in training. As far as food when deployed to a combat zone, Special Operations units take the crown. They are treated extremely well...but they deserve to be, they are the "pros" in our line of work.

    -Army Pilot

  5. US Navy

  6. USAF.. no doubt. I had a HS Friend who was Air Force, always complained about his life.. then he came to visit me and the Wife at Lejuene.. he about cried... all the sudden, he loved USAF bases, and quarters. The funny thing was, I liked mine. I have seen many USAF bases, and quarters.. and deployed camps/airfields... yep, Air Force has some sweet stuff.

  7. Air Force.

    And I have seen them all.

  8. U.S. Air Force by far.

  9. The Air Force.  Generally, the AF has some of the best housing and facilities, shorter deployments, encourages community service, volunteering and will do what it can to be sure the active duty member can attend things like school meetings, important doctor appointments, etc.  Of course, some of that is always dependent on the command, the mission and the other issues that decide the work schedule for the active duty, but most will do thier best to insure active

    get time off and aren't working horrid schedules.  We have been an AF family for 15 years and it has been wonderful.  

  10. In the States - the U.S. Air Force traditionally has spent more on quality of life programs than any other branch.

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