I'm trying to determine which mode of transportation produces the lowest CO2 emissions for my commute to work.
I know a Prius emits 104 g/km. Driving to work would be about 15 miles, or 2496 g CO2.
My scooter uses 0.75 kWh of energy to get to work, which corresponds to about 300 g CO2 based on the California power grid mix.
The tricky one to calculate is bicycling. An hour of bicycling (which is how long it takes me to get to work) burns about 600 calories. According to the paper linked below, the average American consumes 3,774 kilocalories per day, which corresponds to ~1 kg of CO2 per day.
So if 3774 calories = 1 g CO2, 600 calories = 0.16 g CO2.
That number doesn't include non-CO2 emissions associated with food, but it still seems really low to me.
Could bicycling really produce such low CO2 emissions?