
Which modern invention would you lose.....

by  |  earlier

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If you had to

A, your mobile phone

B, your TV

C, your computer

a reason would good as well




  1. A - my phone - then I wouldn't have to talk to "real" people!

  2. my TV i can use my computer and use tv trought it  

  3. TV. I'm finding it harder to find something that holds my interest. I'd sooner play my cd's & do a crossword or read a book.

  4. My Phone, its pretty hard to lose the others they are so big.

    Any one seen my telly? Yes it down the sofa!!

  5. TV, I could use the net to catch up on the latest news, watch all the programs I want to watch on You Tube and also use the PC to watch DVD's.

    I couldn't live without my phone as it is essential for work and keeps me in contact with friends and family

  6. Mobile phone, because I never use it.

    TV because there's always rubbish on.

    The computer, on the other hand, is the most wonderful invention in the history of the world, is infinitely flexible in what it can do, and allows me to be creative. So that's what I would keep.

  7. phone - I only use it as a watch. its 10 years old.

  8. The computer. It is starting to dominate people's lives  

  9. mobile phone, only because I lived without one for most of my life...sure saves a lot of time finding people, have used it when shopping so many times when I got separated from my friend in a big store.

  10. c. The computer so we would all get out more.

    Besides I love my mobile & I rely on the TV process of elimination.

  11. TV, I prefer to read

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