
Which motherboard can my computer run???

by  |  earlier

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ok my computer specs are

system manufacturer: VIA Technologies, Inc.

System Model: P4x400-8235

BIOS: Phoenix - AwardBIOS v6.00PG

Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.66GHz

Memory 512MB RAM

i just want to get a new motherboard and ram for it NOT a new cpu

and the motherboards i am looking at are

Foxconn (AMD) K8M890M2MA

Foxconn (AMD) K8T890M2AA

Foxconn (AMD) N570SM2AA

Foxconn (Intel) 975X7AB

will i be able to replace my old motherboard with any of these with out chaging anything else on my computer, if not can someone plz tell me which one i can replace it with as long as it can handle 1gig ram couse my cant




  1. do you have a link to the specs on the motherboard you have right now...i cant find it

    and non of those will work cuz the first three are for amd cpus and have a different socket than intels cpus so it wont fit nor work

    and can i have a link to the specs of the last intel board, i believe its a socket 775 but i have no idea

  2. Yes, this one should work fine.  Foxconn (Intel) 975X7AB  

  3. That's a lot of information to cover.

    Your first three choices are no good. See the AMD there, that means they take AMD processors, you have Intel, and don't want to change. So number four is your only option from that list.

    I searched for the FoxConn MoBo on NewEgg and couldn't find it. that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, that just means I gave up too easy.

    And since NewEgg is acting up, I cant search for a MoBo that would work for you. Let me try TigerDirect...

    Ok, here are the only two motherboards that TigerDirect has listed that are compatible with your Processor...

    Look at them carefully, and make sure they have everything you want. From the information you have provided, they are the only two MoBo's I could find.

    Honestly, upgrading your MoBo isnt going to offer your that much for in performance. And, going from a P4 capable mobo to a P4 capable mobo isnt really an upgrade at all. But thats just my opinion...

    Good Luck!!

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