
Which mothers here chose not to circumcise their son? Are you happy with the decision and the way it looks?

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I'm from Ohio and it seems like everyone here circumcises their son. I just gave birth to a healthy baby boy a few months back and I was actually asked by the nurse at the hospital why I didn't want to have him circumcised. All my friends and relatives who have boys had them all circumcised. I'm like the lone person who chose not to have my son circumcised. The only thing I'm worried about is that he might get called out for not being cirumcised by the other boys and he will feel confused or different. Are there any mothers who chose not to have her son circumcised? Does your son feel different because he's not circumcised? Are you happy with the way it looks compared to circumcised boys? Many women still cannot get used to the sight of an uncircumcised male. Two of my friends and my sister in law have all said it's so strange to see an uncircumcised p***s.




  1. It isn't strange or shocking at all to see an uncircumcised p***s; anyone who says differently... especially to make YOU feel uncomfortable is plain uneducated (and inconsiderate, seeing as how you have already made your decision).  Everyone makes their own choice on this very sensitive issue, and honestly, it isn't anyone else's business.

    I chose not to have my son circumcised after doing my own research, and I'm happy with my decision.

    In the rest of the world, circumcision is far rarer than in the United States, except for nations that circumcise for religious reasons.  As a nanny and daycare center teacher ... I've changed a lot of diapers for a lot of different kiddos... and it's about even.  I can tell you that even in the US, circumcision rates have steadily declined over the years, and now it is closer to 50/50 circumcised to uncircumsised.

    I also know adult males who are not circumcised, and none of them have ever had a problem with feeling different or being criticized for it.

    Try not to worry.  You made a decision that you felt was best for your son, and ultimately, you are the mom and you know best. :)  Don't let others make you feel differently.

  2. All I can say is, I'm glad that you didn't have him circumcised. I was circumcised at birth, but I've always regretted the decision my parents made because there was no real reason for it. We are not Jewish and there was no medical problem (that I'm aware of) that warrented a circumcision. They just did it to be like everyone else at the time, which is just dumb. Boys in other countries are never circumcised and perfectly healthy, so it's just an outdated tradition here in the states.  

  3. I chose to get circumcised at the age 19 and now at 28 totally regret it! You made a good decision! Even though it wasn't that painful to get done, I found masturbation and intercourse to be far superior when uncircumcised! There was never any doubt that I'd leave my sons (1&3 yrs) uncircumcised too, so that they can have the same pleasures and choice that I once did!!!! Oh and nationwide the circumcision rate amongst newborns is now down to 50-50!

  4. I just moved to Ohio last month (from Texas).

    I do not believe in circumcision. I had a boy in January and I chose NOT to circumcise him. My husband is also uncircumcised.

    I think that circumcision is an assault on male sexuality. The part of f******n that is removed is one of the most sensitive parts of a man's p***s. Taking that away from him is unfair and it is no different from female genital mutilation. It has been proven that men who are uncut experience MORE pleasure from s*x than men who have been circumcised.

    That extra bit of skin is not only there to satisfy the man, it can be felt by the woman during intercourse too. It is my opinion that an uncircumcised p***s *feels* better, if you know what I mean.

    It is a myth that the uncircumcised p***s is dirty and requires all kinds of special cleaning and retracting the f******n of baby to *clean* it.

    The truth is that uncircumcised p***s requires NO special attention. No extra washing. G-d designed it that way... Neat, huh?

    Both kinds of penises need to be washed equally the same.

    I could really go on forever about this. I am vehemently against circumcision because I think it is cruel, barbaric, and unnecessary.

    If you are jewish and doing it for religious reasons, I don't have a problem with that. Why? Because a rabbi can perform the surgery in less than 60 seconds where as a doctor takes 15 minutes to crush the f******n of a newborn. The rabbi gives the baby wine, but they don't give the baby ANYTHING in the hospital. The baby sits alone in a dark room screaming while his f******n is being crushed and cut away, and nobody is there to console him or ANYTHING.

  5. It's good you didn't do that to him. It's not necessary.

    I wouldn't do that to a son though it is not commonly done here in Australia.

    Those people you mention are just stuck in tradition. Your son will have the full range of sexual pleasure and will likely be very happy to have his whole p***s especially if you educate him about the benefits of it.

    Teasing is a small possibility but it's not very likely and you can deal with it if it happens by explaining the differences etc. it shouldn't be a big deal.

    Really I don't think a mother should have a cosmetic view about her son's p***s because it's there for him to use not her to look at, but if you're happy with your decison then that's great. What anybody else says about it shouldn't matter, when he finds a girl who likes him unless she was an idiot she wouldn't care.

  6. i wouldn't worry about it so much. i chose to get mine circumcised and actually only did it cause my husband was. if your son has a prob with it when he gets older he can always go do it him self. plus trying to keep it from growing back and free from infection is hard. and it was painfull for me to hear my little one cry when i had to push the skin back to keep it from attatching back. just make sure you teach him to be really clean with it. because it will collect stuff if ya know what i mean.

  7. My son is now 11 years old. He is uncircumcised. And it doesnt bother him at all. I didnt have him circumcised cause at the time I was a teen mother and couldnt afford it, my insurance didnt cover it. I wouldnt worry about it, only if it bothers him. The pediatrician says if they choose to be circumcised then do it when he is old enough to take care of it himself. Cleaning the wound, etc. Cause he might be a little embarrassed to have mom do it. Just have dad show him how to clean it by pulling the skin back when he gets older!  Good luck!

  8. Personally, I wouldn't do that. I mean unless you are Jewish or Muslim, it's really only an American custom with no real medical benefits. Over here in the UK (and the rest of Europe), boys are not circumcised. Boys are supposed to have f******n on their p***s. It protects the head of the p***s from desensitization and makes sexual intercourse and masturbation easier by reducing friction. Why would you want to deprive your child that when he gets older? Looks are irrelevant. The only reason some people think a circumcised p***s looks better is because that is what they are used to seeing. I garauntee that it's not like that in the rest of the world. Just let him be and when he is older if HE wants to be circumcised (which is unlikely) then he always has the option. I mean it is HIS p***s isn't it?

    By the way, I'm American and I live in the UK now. But I've been with guys who were circumcised and guys who were uncircumcised and I used to think (like most American girls) that circumcised was better until I actually experienced uncircumcised for the first time. It's definetely better. Forget how it looks. How it feels it the most important thing.

    I actually found some other women's (especially mothers) opinions on circumcision interesting.

  9. I'm a male but I wish my mother had protected me like you did, even though most Australians were cut back then. I had just a few intact friends and grew up to envy them, deeply resenting being mutilated this way. We couldn't have kids but would certainly have left them intact if we had, no matter what gender they turned out to be. All our nephews and younger boys we know were left intact and are growing up happy. Most doctors here discourage the practice now.

    A younger male I knew, now in his 30s, told me his mother told him it was barbaric so he always felt protected and normal, despite there still being a slight majority of cut boys when he was growing up.

    Educate your son and be proud you protected your boy.  

  10. I didn't get my son circumcised for 2 reasons.

    1.  My husband is not circumcised and he never got teased or had a hard time with it.  (His was the first I saw not circumcised and I didn't think it looked weird at all, nor does it interfere with our s*x life)

    2. I have a friend who assists in the surgery for circumcision and she told me that it is horrendous.  She said that after witnessing so many circumcisions, she could never do that to her own son.  That just made my decision that much easier.

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