
Which motor is most powerful? Large fan, box fan, drill?

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Please rank the following motor strengths from highest to lowest: An ordinary box fan, a large circular fans (one of those ones that is so big it has wheels), and an ordinary drill (not cordless).

Thanks for any help!




  1. The answer depends.  I'll give the most likely answer for you first, then try to explain the dependencies:

    1. ordinary corded drill (3-5.5 amp, 14 volt = 125-425 Watt)

    2. large circular fan (120-200 Watt)

    3. box fan (25-150 Watt)

    Now, that said all of the items you mention can vary pretty drastically, drills especially. Also, motors tend to have certain speeds at which they are most efficient and so they may have different power outputs at different speeds (torque curves), and since fans don't really have to get up to speed as fast, they will generally have lower torque generating capability.  The 'strength' of a motor can depend on the speed(s) it needs to be run at.

    As for your specific fans you might be able to guess just by standing in front at the highest setting and seeing which gives you more of a breeze! From your description, the large circular fan sounds like it has more output power, even though some box fans can be just as strong. Many fans have horsepower (HP) ratings so you could directly compare those, sometimes right on the faceplate, and perhaps your drill has a HP rating as well, so the one with the highest has more strength, at least at most speeds.

    If you can't find any output power ratings, you could estimate by figuring out the input power (watts) required by each, this assumes they are all of around the same efficiency which isn't too far off an assumption,  If they don't have a wattage rating, they may specify a voltage and an amperage requirement on their power supply.  Watts = Voltage x Amps^2. The higher the wattage spec is the more likely that the motor can produce more output power.

    Good luck!


  2. actually it depends on how much power does these tools produce. check the label on their power output. if you can't find it, check how much torque do they produce then multiply it by the rotational speed it does for that certain torque. or you could simply ask your salesclerk...:D

    my ranking: first is the drill, then the big fan, then  the box fan

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