
Which movie is better, Titanic or Ice Castles?

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I just finished watching one, and my friend had to ask, I can only assume because the two movies are similar in that they both deal with youthful romance and consist of a sensational storyline.

In my opinion, where filming and musical score are concerned, I'd have to go with Titanic.

However, where dialogue, character relations, storyline, and acting is concerned, and even the overall effect, I would have to say that Titanic doesn't even hold a candle to Ice Castles. They simply don't make movies like this anymore. Take away the digitalized special effects and occasional witty lines from the movies of today, and you have nothing. There's nothing candid or realistic. You can't even relate to the characters because there are no characters to relate to, just dressed up, overly rehearsed, and poised robots.




  1. Titanic.

  2. That's a tough one for me, as I very much liked both of them.

    Although I am moved by the music from Titanic, I have always believed the song. "Through the Eyes of Love", from Ice Castles is the prettiest song no one ever knew.

  3. Ice Castles is better. The characters, storyline and style of the film make it much more enjoyable and real. You feel you can connect with and care about the characters. They come across as real people. The story is paced right and the film has a rawer quality than Titanic. Titanic was designed as a blockbuster from the beginning. I'll choose substance over style any day.

    If you liked Ice Castles, take a look at:

    Champions: A Love Story (1979) (TV)

    It's a good movie. Very touching.

  4. Since I didn't see Ice Castles I have to say Titanic...Blessings Yahoo

  5. Titanic!!!

  6. I would say "ice castles", even though i've never seen it.

  7. I must disagree. the whole shooting gallery goes to "Titanic"

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