
Which mp3 player is the best out of these two?

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My birthday is the 28th of august right.... so i want to know which mp3 i should ipod or pink zune..!With that said which one is a better mp3 and please give me descriptive information ...please




  1. Well, if you run Windows on your computer, I would suggest the Zune.  It works with the media player on it, like others have said and with the Zune, it will tell you when there are updates for it automatically and gives you the choice of updating it then or at a later time.  With the high number of questions about how to fix or what could be wrong with the iPods, I myself, am leary about the ipods durability.  I use my Zune ALOT and I mean ALOT, and never have had a problem with it at all.  

  2. zune cause you can do every thing you can do with i pod and more like share music with other zunes

  3. Well, it all depends on your computers operating system, and your preferences.

    With the iPod (my favorite), you're able to download music much faster from the computer. Also, videos, movies, podcasts etc...

    The downfall to the iPod is that music, movies, and all the mentioned above are ALL the iPod can do. As far as my knowledge goes, you can do a lot more with a Zune. However, they're ugly and bulky where as the iPod is slim and easy to fit pretty much anywhere.

    You can have the same amount of GB on each devise.

    I believe when it comes to computer to devise syncing, the iPod+iTunes make it much easier. I'm saying that as a PC, not Mac, user. Windows media is a pain in the *** to use, and I personally would jump out a window if that's where my music was organized. iTunes makes it fool proof when downloading, organizing, and syncing music.

    Having said ALL of that, I'd say go with the iPod. Or, if you want a few more features, go for the iTouch.  

  4. It really depends on your computer.  If you're running Windows and have never had an iPod or other mp3 player before, get the Zune, because it works flawlessly with Windows Media Player.

    If you have a Mac and/or you've had any experience at all with iPods, get the iPod.

    I prefer iPods over Zunes, but it's just a matter of personal preference really.

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