
Which musical genre do you think is the best out of these four?

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Rap, pop, rock or country?

For me, it's rock. I think rock has the best singers & some rap is pretty explicit in my opinion.




  1. Rock n' Roll.

  2. Rock. 90% of the music in those other genres suck.


    Rap, pop, and country SUCK and can go DIEEEEEEEEEE

  4. all but country lol but rock is the best has the most real meaning and emotion in it and then pop cuz its fun to listen to and then rap cuz some lyrics are real deep and cool

  5. rock of course no doubt about that =D

  6. rock, although you aren't going to get unbiased answers here in the Rock & Pop section b/c most people here like one of the two.

  7. ROCK!!!

    I love bands like incubus.....u2, and boston :-)

  8. country always! =)

  9. its between rock and pop for me....

    even though I do like rock a little more... =)

  10. I lyk all genres of music except a lot of religious music.  

  11. classic rock:)

    but yes Rock.

  12. Country sucksss... Rap is c**p.. Rock is just plain awesome.

  13. rock


  14. Maybe you should put this is general music, so you get more diverse answers =)

    But, rock for me.


  16. Rock, though I do listen to some old school rap

  17. Rock.

  18. Rock, I don't like rap and country and pop aren't my thing.

  19. first place

  20. I'm going to pick rock.

  21. I prefer rock. I listen to all kinds of genre except for country and religious.

  22. ROCK!

  23. rock for me.

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