
Which mythical creature is most important to you and why?

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Also, which mythical creature do you think has had the most impact on the world, and why?

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  1. Sasquatch as it was called by native americans or Bigfoot

    as it is called by many today.

    theirs more evidence for actual existance than your usual

    mythological creature. some view sasquatch as pure myth

    and folklore while others believe its possible existence

    and some believe it definitely exists

  2. An honest politician.  It'd be nice if they existed.  They'd certainly make the world a little easier to live in.

    Some day we might actually see one, though they're more elusive than Bigfoot.  At least we have the occasional sighting of a large hairy beast in the woods (ie:Bigfoot).  Any presumed sightings of honest politicians seem to vanish the minute someone gets into office.  

    And for those who believe in different forms of vampires (ie: blood suckers, psychic etc), consider the idea that politicians are a new vampires.  They don't drain your blood or soul through their fangs - just your bank account through their taxes.

  3. Werewolves in the older definition as changelings which have the power to shape shift into another form on demand and not really just wolves at the full moon.  Actually part of the Viking berserker legend but they usually changed into bears, the wolf part is Anglo-Saxon and Germanic.  The power to change to another creature would be both fearful and fearsome at the same time-the control ensure you did not slip from one shape to another without meaning to would require much concentration.

  4. the griffin because there have been many art works of it and it makes movies money and gives people ideas for stories and to me is inspirational

  5. I like the concept of the Unicorn although mythical creatures really don't fall into my area when studying esoteric subjects. What is fascinating to me is the belief in dragons from so many different cultures who would have in no way been in contact with each other. Mayan, Chinese, Celtic, Welsh, etc. all have very similar mythologies concerning these magnificent beings. Makes ya wonder????????

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