
Which name do you prefer: Clara or Daisy?

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Which name do you prefer: Clara or Daisy?




  1. Both are pretty, but I think she would grow into the name Clara, but I'm afraid she would grow out of Daisy too quick, and might be made fun of in later years! I would really hate to see that happen.

  2. I'm not liking either, but I agree with Granny5, she'd grow into Clara but grow out of Daisy.

  3. Claisy!!!

  4. don't like either too much, but if I had to choose it would be clara

  5. Clara. Its more feminine to me.

  6. Clara. It's sophisticated and would work for a little girl and for a woman. Daisy wouldn't be cute past the age of 8 or 9.  

  7. Clara because Daisy reminds me too much of a flower. I think Clara Marie is a pretty name.  

  8. Clara sounds more sophisticated =]  

  9. Clara or Claire or Clarisse

  10. Clara

  11. I love love love Clara, beautiful name :)

  12. Daisy is a pretty name! Clara sounds to ugly too people are not going to be able to say it and it sounds like a boys name Daisy is better.. maybe you could call her Daisy girl

  13. Neither. Clara sounds foreign and Daisy sounds very old-fashioned and unsophisticated.

  14. Clara, it sounds very sophisticated and classy, and could be an appropriate name for both a child and an adult. Daisy, on the other hand, sounds like more of a childish name which will be outgrown by the time the girl turns 10. It's cute for a baby/small child though.  

  15. I have a dog named Daisy.. Clara is the better of the two.. but still don't like Clara.

  16. Daisey

  17. Clara! Daisy sounds like a dog's name.

  18. Clara :)

  19. Daisy

  20. I think Clara is nice

    or Claire





    Angel Iris

  21. Clara is much better.

    It's cuter.

  22. I LOVE Daisy

  23. Clara. My middle name is Clara!

  24. i dont really like either sorry

  25. I prefer Clara b/c it's very cute, feminine and very pretty for a girl.

    As for's pretty but it sounds like you're calling the girl a piece of flower on the ground. Actually, it doesn't sound all that bad but I still prefer Clara.

  26. i like the name Clara.

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