
Which name do you prefer: Daisy or Euphemia?

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Which name do you prefer: Daisy or Euphemia?




  1. neither. they're both stupid. (no affense)

  2. I really don't like either one, but if I had to choose, I'd choose Daisy.  

  3. Love, love the name Daisy. Always have, always will.

  4. Daisy. I don't even know how to pronouns the other name.

  5. neither-

    Daisy sounds like a cow and Euphemia?, did you get that name from a book of diseases?

  6. I think Euphemia is beautiful, however, to spare your child a lifetime of explaining how to spell and say her name, Daisy is great.

  7. Well, I am partial to Daisy because my daughter's name is Daisy.  

  8. Daisy, thats my dogs name :)

  9. DAISY!!!! euphemia sounds like some kind of terminal illness.  

  10. daisy

  11. daisy



  12. Oh, I absolutely prefer the name Daisy - hands down. We have just far too many girls with other flower-names. Even with all of that aside, the name Daisy is very fun, and cute. :]

  13. Daisy. Euphemia sounds like a disease (sorry!)

  14. Neither, sorry. Euphemia is too strange, too out there--- this coming from the girl who wants to name her future daughters things like "Lolita" or "Artemis". And Daisy sounds like a hill-billy name.

    If I had to pick, Euphemia.  

  15. Daisy, Euphemia sounds like a drug or something (no offense, maybe If you changed the spelling it would be better)

  16. Daisy - sounds like a dogs name and can you imagine a seventy year old lady with the name daisy?

    Euphemia - arhhh yucky. it sounds like a vomiting disease!

    neither of them are good.

  17. Daisy is such a lovely feminine name. Euphemia sound like a virus.  

  18. I'm not fond of Daisy, but I'd prefer it over Euphemia. That is basically the same word as euphemism (and has the same origin). Not so good.

  19. I love the name Daisy, alot.

  20. Daisy is beautiful, my sister was going to name my niece Daisy May. Instead she named her Ebonie Kay.Euphemia for some reason makes me think of the word euthanization and that is never a pretty thing! Think of the child that has to live their whole life being called that.

  21. dasiy.

    Euphemia? WTF? it sounds like a disese

  22. Daisy, definitely.

    Euphemia is an old lady name.

  23. I am sorry I dont like either one.  

  24. Come on, really? Which do you think we prefer?  Daisy!

  25. I kinda like both.

    Euphemia makes me think of nuns though. I don't know why.

    Daisy is probably a better option, because it's more "normal."

    But if you don't like normal, go with Euphemia.

  26. ha ha neither...

    Daisy is my DOG'S name

    and Euphemia...

    I know the story behind it and maybe back in those time periods it would've been a nice name

    but now days sounds like a drug or a disease and you'll just be subjecting your child to ridicule.

    Think of something unique,that doesn't sound like a drug.

    My parents were high when they named me and thought "Timbre" it means the color of music,but most people can't even pronounce it,I don't even wanna know how they'd butcher "Euphemia".

  27. Um Daisy! Euphemia sounds like a lung disease!

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