
Which name do you prefer: Henry or Kenneth?

by Guest34326  |  earlier

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Which name do you prefer: Henry or Kenneth?




  1. I prefer Henry but it really is a personal choice!  both are fine old names!   It's just which ever you like best - or name him both and let him decide when he is older.  My sister's name is MarCia but everyone called her Marsha when she was growing up.  She ALWAYS hated the name with a passion so when she married she changed the spelling to MarCya and now no one calls her anything but what she loves best!  MarCya (pronounced Mar-see-ah)  I think it's fine for people to change their name when they are old enough to decide - if you give little Kenneth Henry both names it give him more options!

  2. I like both names! Kenneth is a really timeless name with great literary and historical associations. It's not a common baby name in Australia, which is a real plus.

    Henry is a really handsome, dignified and old-fashioned sounding name. I like the names Medieval diminutives: Herry and Harry. It's rapidly rising in popularity in Australia, and is now peaking at #49.

    I like the name HENRY better, but if it came down to a choice between which name to use, I would definitely consider Kenneth. This is simply because, having an overly common name myself, I worry about the popularity of names.  

  3. Kenneth

  4. kenneth

  5. Kenneth. It's less used.

  6. Definitely Henry!  Henry's on my favourite boys name list. I really like it

  7. I like Henry better

  8. i like Kenneth because it is my dads name  

  9. those names suck. my names chris but if i had to change it to something Id want somethin cool and normal, like brandon or kyle or johnny. henry sounds like a country bumpkin and kenneth sounds like he would get beaten up and stuffed in a trash can and rolled down a hill, and then u would be like "o poor baby kenneth r u ok poopykins?" when he got home.

    sorry but thats just me.

    best answer??

  10. Henry.  Kenneth would be a good middle name, but it sounds pretentious as a first name- sorry.

  11. I like Henry better, but I like Ken.

  12. I love both of them!  I suppose I would have to call Kenneth my personal favorite, since it's the one my husband and I are considering for a son someday.  I've known a lot of very nice Kenneths, so the name has good associations for me.  Also, while I generally don't like the nicknames that go along with well-known male names (such as Dan, Bill, Matt, or Dave), Ken and Kenny don't bother me at all.  Kenneth is declining in popularity right now, which I suppose could be a point against it since the name might sound a bit outdated to people.  However, it's still in the top 150, so there are a good number of baby boys being born with this name.

    Henry is lovely as well, and overall I think most people will consider this a better name.  I love that it's British, regal, and very 19th-century sounding.  It has been the name of the hero in more than one Victorian novel I've read.  It seems to be experiencing a bit of a resurgence in popularity, however (it just re-entered the top 100 in 2006).  I generally like to avoid anything that sounds trendy.  

    Since Kenneth has more positive associations for me, I'd be more inclined to use it.  Otherwise, I just might consider Henry.

  13. i like Kenneth. but why not use both Henry Kenneth and the last name. he wiuld sound important

  14. I like Kenneth Henry

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