
Which name do you prefer for a coffee shop? Steamin' Joes CoffeeHouse or Steamers Coffee.?

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We asked this question yesterday. We got a lot of great responses. However we are wondering which name also seems more upscale to you as a place that you might want to treat a date or a friend to as well. Thanks for any input.




  1. Doesn't really matter at all if you are in a good location and serve good stuff.

    Steamin Joe's is my pick. /

  2. I disagree, Steamin' Joes CoffeeHouse all the way!

  3. Steamin Joes is more fun but Steamers is more upscale.

  4. Having started and operated my own companies for 35 years I know the importance of selecting the proper name but as some of the previous answers suggest there are some factors to consider. First city and state, next is Joe the owner and does he want to keep it a local hangout with great personal service from Joe or is the plan to grow into a StarBucks? In a local midwest type of location I would pick Joes. In a college, yuppie or business area I would select Steamers.

  5. Depends on where you're located.  Here in NJ, "steamers" are steamed clams, not the image you want to conjure when thinking of coffee.

  6. I like Steamers.  I think if you use the right font and the right colour combo, it could look quite upscale.

  7. "I'll see you at Steamers...."

    sounds much better than

    "See you at Joe's"

    because you know they'll get shortened......

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