
Which name for a baby girl?

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The middle name will be Marie, we aren't changing it.

Rosalyn Marie (pronounced Rose-A-lyn) Nn: Rose

Adelaide Marie (pronounced Add-a-layd) Nn: Addy

Elsie Marie (pronounced ELL-see)

Aubretta Marie (pronounced AW-bret-UH) Nn: Aubrey

Or if you hate them all that's ok...

Tell me what ya think.




  1. I don't really care for any of the first names, though I like the middle name Marie.  If I had to pick one of the names, I'd pick Rosalyn, but personally, my first instinct would be to pronounce it Roz-a-lyn (Roz rhyming with pause).  In fact, I know a girl with that as her middle name, and it is pronounced Roz-a-lyn.

  2. I hate them all, but it wouldnt be so bad if you canged Rosalyn to Rosalie Marie. srry just trying to help.

  3. I love Adelaide

  4. If you have to show us how to pronounce them, then your daughter will have to correct the pronunciation (and spelling) for the rest of her life.  She'll end up resenting her name.

  5. Ok, i'm going to be honest. I don't like Adelaide. My boyfriend's sister is pregnant with a girl and they are considering that name too. I don't know why, I just don't think its a name a little girl would like to have. It just reminds me of a name an old woman would have. They are considering Adelynn too, which is better I think.

    Elsie kind of reminds me of a cow name...I'm not trying to be mean, i'm really not. Its just what it makes me think of.

    I think Aubrey is pretty and its not a super common name, so I think Aubretta is my first choice. Rosalyn is pretty as well. So I would choose one of those.

  6. I'll put them in preference order - best to worst:

    Adelaide Marie,

    Elsie Marie,

    Rosalyn Marie,

    Aubretta Marie.

    I love Adelaide Marie - it's beautiful and classic but not too popular.

  7. Rosalyn is beautiful, you've got the nickames, Rosa, Rose and Lyn.

    All the best in the future :)  

  8. I like elsie... simple yet unique

  9. Both Adelaide Marie and Addy Marie work

  10. rosalyn is the best i think

  11. I like Aubrey, but definetly not Aubretta. Trust me, your kid will not want that name when they are older.

    How about: Leah Marie or Layla Marie?

    what do you think? good luck!

  12. I like Rosalyn Marie

  13. I only like Rosalyn Marie although Adelaide isn't too bad either. Sorry but Elsie sounds like an old lady, what about Elise?

  14. Well I don't want to say hate, but yeah I don't like any.

  15. I would opt for Isabella Rose

  16. Rosalyn! Love that name.

  17. I think Rosalyn Marie is very pretty.

  18. If you have to spell out how to pronounce the kid's name, you're going to spend the first years of his or her life doing the same thing. THAT BUGS. Especially the kid will resent you and just go by Ann.

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