
Which name for a girl do you like better?

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me and my hubby are arguing over a girls name....Ailynn or London Rae, what do you like better?




  1. Ailynn, but I think Ailynn should be spelled, Ailin or Aalen or Aielen or Ailinn

  2. London

  3. Definitely Ailynn! The other I just dont like at all.

  4. I love Ailynn, its so original and pretty

  5. London Rae, kids might make fun of Ailynn becuase it is similar to alien. Kids are mean!

  6. i really really love Ailynn,,its very pretty and you dont hear it that offten

    i bet you can find a really cute middle name to go with it like

    Ailynn grace

    Ailynn rose

    Ailynn madison

    Ailynn michelle

    well best of luck and congrads i am sure what ever you guys choice will be just fine and its will come from your hearts


    tabitha lynn

  7. I like Ailynn a lot more.  It's really cute.  London is okay, but I'm am not a fan whatsoever of Rae.

  8. Ailynn is awful.  What are you going for, Eileen?  Lynn?

    London was the last name of a famous writer, Jack London.  It sounds masculine to me. How about Lonnie, Laura or Lindy? Rae is a good middle name.


  9. ailynn!! its cute!! i dont really like london rae cuz wen she gets older she might be made fun of a bit!! hoope this helps!! ☺!!

  10. London Rae.

    Original, cute, she won't out grow it (some cute baby names arent cute adult names)

    I dont think ailynn is good. everyone who reads it will struggle trying to figure out how to say it and its not as good lol

    hope this helps

  11. i love the name london rae

    it is very chic and since it was your grandmother's it will be all the more special

  12. I see ailing in a southern accent.... ailin'.  Like, "I'm ailin' pretty bad here, y'all!"

  13. Ailynn

    london makes me think of that supid rich girl on disney channel lol.  and i dont like names like london and paris for kids its to hollywood-esque.  ditto fruits (apple) states (alabama gypsy rose), weird names (zuma nesta...)  london seems like she would be paris' sister lol sorry

  14. Say the name with your surname - how does it sound?

    Imagine you are in the playground when your baby has grown into a toddler and imagine calling out the names - which do you prefer?

    Imagine your child is at school and having to learn to write their name, and put their name on their work - which do you think would be easier to learn and write?

    Do either names have a meaning or background that you particularly like that is a 'story' as to why the child has that name - which 'story' or 'explanation' do you prefer to tell people betwen each name?

    Imagine the child as an adult - in all different scenarios - at College, at work, etc - which name can you imagine on their uniform or desk plaque?

    Say the name lots of times loudly like you are calling the child urgently, does one sound more 'nagging' or 'loving' or any other idea?

    Some people prefer to wait until the baby is born and choose the name that suits them then, too!

  15. I like Ailynn and London, both, probably London best.  Rae is a throw-away name.  It's just tagged on back of a name because you can't think of something more meaningful.  Toss it.

    TX Mom

  16. Yes...Ailynn sounds too much like Alien

  17. Ailynn...its really unique and pretty!!!!

  18. Why not Ailynn Rae?

  19. London Rae

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