
Which name is prettier?

by Guest59604  |  earlier

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Malorie or Madison?




  1. I would say Madison, however I do not like M names myself.. But the nickname maddy is cute for little girls. I never did like Mal

  2. Malorie, though I prefer Mallory. I don't really care for the name Madison, sorry!

  3. Too many people called Madison even over here in the UK. I go out shopping and all you hear is parents calling their kids Maddi, all other the blooming place. To make it worse a lot of kids are now called Maddox because of Angelina so even the boys get called  Maddy for short.......i must know at least three kids called Madison and thats just in my sons SMALL day nursery. Stick with the name you got its what your parents named you, and they obviously took the time in giving you that name. I'd hate for my kids to change the names i gave them when they got older....

  4. Malorie is a unique and beautiful name

  5. Malorie

    I don't like Madison because people will call them Maddy.eww

  6. I actually like Malorie a lot better. Madison sounds like a guy's name.

  7. I like malorie.  Madison reminds me of those nickleodeon girl's barbies where they're all incompetent and go shopping all the time and so on.  dont change your name.

  8. DEFF Madison lol but a rose by any other name would smell as sweet =]

  9. Madison.

  10. madison

  11. I like Madison

  12. madison !!! =]]

  13. Madison!!


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