
Which name???????????

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I am expecting and i need a boy and a girl name. These are names i like pick one of each. thank you.


Felicity Ashlynne Mae

True Believe Hope

Asholee (ash-o-lee) Chasity Brianne

Peach Milynne Nali

Happy Delina Unity

Tarina Opal Lettice

Rocksie Kelis Devynn


Olroy Jaxxin Smidt

Macky Compact Leon

Lavar Cosmo Racer

Aanal Rebel Phoenix

Shia Gage Mabon

Fernal Innocent Napeal

Kyron Trayton Ham

Rishi Dax Jayvon




  1. All of them are really terrible. Especially Asholee and True Believe Hope..

    Shia Gage Mabon is the only decent one.

  2. Felicity Ashlynne Mae

  3. I'm sorry but those are terrible names, got to to see some more. Your kid would be embarrassed having to go to school with those names, sorry but it's honest.

  4. if you dont mind i would like to mix and match

    Devynn Brianne Hope


    Jaxxin Leon Gaige

  5. Felicity Ashlynne Mae

    Apart from that they're all pretty Whack!

    i suggest you re-think some of the names.

    And take your children into consideration,

  6. Felicity Ashlynne Mae

    Shia Gage Mabon

    are the best

    but please don't call your son aanal

  7. I'm sorry but I really don't like any of them.

  8. None of them, is this a real question?

  9. no offence but alot of those girl names will get made fun of. kids are cruel!  

    True Believe Hope --- those are just 3 verbs

    Asholee (ash-o-lee) Chasity Brianne---- she will get called as$holey

    Happy- she will probally be called g*y

    peach-- she will be called a fruit which in my day was like being called an idi0t.

    Im not trying to be immature but this is really how a kid will look at these names. They will probally even think of more ways to make fun of them.

    Brianne is a nice name

  10. omg...i got one question

    r u serious????

    who names there child happy?? what if she is sad?? haha

  11. Sorry, but those are terrible names.  Asholee??  You cannot be serious.  And what the heck is "Chasity"?  Chastity is a bad enough virtue name when it's spelled correctly., but that just makes it worse.

  12. Ill rate 1-10 10=great


    Felicity Ashlynne Mae-10 I love this combo

    True Believe Hope-5 i think its a little too much sorry:(

    Asholee (ash-o-lee) Chasity Brianne-3 Im sorry i dont like this one:(

    Peach Milynne Nali-6 Not a fan of peach, but i think Milynne Nali is ok

    Happy Delina Unity-2 sorry, when i see the name happy, think of the Dwarf named happy in Snow White

    Tarina Opal Lettice-1 ....

    Rocksie Kelis Devynn-6 I like Kelis Devynn, but not Rocksie


    Olroy Jaxxin Smidt-3 the only one i like is Jaxxin

    Macky Compact Leon-7 I like Macky Leon, not compact, its like a makeup compact, or a compact car

    Lavar Cosmo Racer-0 im sorry

    Aanal Rebel Phoenix -0 Really sorry but Aanal looks like ANAL? and Rebel is too much

    Shia Gage Mabon-8 i really like Shia Gage not so much with Mabon though

    Fernal Innocent Napeal-0..

    Kyron Trayton Ham-HAM????0

    Rishi Dax Jayvon-2 Dax is okay

  13. True Believe Hope

    Olroy Jaxxin Smidt

    i like some of those

  14. Sorry, but these names will be hard on your kid.....but the collish ones are: Girl's Rocksie or Felicity, but Rocksie's better. Boy's are Really bad, but i guess....Kyron, just cause it sounds cool. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but they sound like celebrity kid's names. Sorry.....good luck; congrats!

  15. Wow, they're all horrible! I'll be praying for your kid in 5 years when he/she has to go to kindergarten with a name like those!  

  16. Are you freakin serious?! You must be crazy!*

  17. Ashlynne, Milynne and Rocksie are cute.  So are Phoenix, Gage, Kyron and Trayton.  The rest are awful.

  18. I dont believe this is a real question. Why would you waste yours and other peoples time with this?

  19. Are you serious? LOL

    First of all, the whole 3 name thing is just too much... and then the actual names?? No no no.. I'm all for the unique names but come on now...

    Sorry, I cant even find one that I like.

  20. This is sort of ridiculous. If you don't mind, I'll mix and match like someone did before me.

    Rocksie Opal

    Mae Rishi (From the boy's name list. Most of the girls names are outrageous)

    Moxie Brianne (Moxie is a suggested name)

    Leon Racer

    Gage Phoenix

    Shia Kyron

    (Toned down, these names can sound very cool in my opinion)

  21. GIRL:

    Felicity Ashlynne Mae- like Felicity hate the other names. i give it a 3.

    True Believe Hope- are you NUTS? that's the name of a little girl that will be fighting every day at recess! give it a big fat 0!

    Asholee (ash-o-lee) Chasity Brianne- do you realize that Asholee looks like @sshole? the other two names are nice give THOSE 2 names a 4.

    Peach Milynne Nali- LMFAO @ this name. give it a 1.

    Happy Delina Unity- gag! give it a 0

    Tarina Opal Lettice- first two aren't too bad, then you have Lettice which to me looks like Lettuce. give it a 3.

    Rocksie Kelis Devynn-gag...can you not spell? what a mess. big fat 0.


    Olroy Jaxxin Smidt- Olroy is a DOG FOOD! LOL big fat 0

    Macky Compact Leon- compact? seriously i hope you are joking at this point. if not....consider a tubal dear. BF 0

    Lavar Cosmo Racer-take out Cosmo. give it a 5

    Aanal Rebel Phoenix- now i KNOW you're joking you're a tool. BF 0

    Shia Gage Mabon- gag, 0

    Fernal Innocent Napeal- double gag, 0

    Kyron Trayton Ham- take out ham, 5

    Rishi Dax Jayvon- gag, ghetto thuglisious

  22. True, Tarina and Kyron. The others are horrible!

  23. what in the world?!! These names terrify me! And that spelling of Ashley looks like ***hole!

  24. wow these are some crazy not saying that in a bad way this world has enough johns....i like rocksie and peach for girls and for boys i like shia and kyron

  25. Boy: Kyron Trayton  Leon [not ham - weird!]

    Girl:Tarina Ashlynne Wynne

    the others sound like a twelve year old made them up...
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