
Which name would you choose as a snowboard company, Invert, Five-0, or Switch?

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Can you tell me which one you would buy from because of the name and give me some other names that would be cool like the company Ride, or Burton, not like "shaved ice"




  1. I like Switch. But for me, I would use "Method Snowboards", "Mute Air", or "Traversity Snowboards".

  2. Dear Namer,

    Hey man, I own a small snowboard skateboard company and it was hard to pick a name for sure.  Here are a few general directives when picking your name:

    First: Don't share your name with people until you have it licensed and registered, otherwise someone can steal your name, register it with the Dep. of Treasury.  Then your screwed and have to start all over again.

    Second: When picking your name, pick something that is not already in existence, you don't want to get sued for using someones name that lives in a different state.  When you have a name you really like, research it, google it, add key words that are applicable to snowboarding, see if there are any companies out there with that name.  If there are none then you can take that to your state department and register it with the Sec. of Treas. and the IRS.  

    Third: I guess this one should be number one...  When you pick you name, pick a name that has either significance to you, remember, people will ask why you chose your name, you want to let them know that you chose that name because...  that way people relate to you on the name and they will think its cool if it means something to you.  Or, if you are just in it for the money and the steez, pick a name that is flashy, register it, wait a couple years, buy a range rover and a house in Breck, lose all your money in a couple months and try again... :)  Regardless, my other suggestion when picking out a name is to use a thesauris or a dictionary, think of things and names that you like and try translating it to another language...things of that sort :)  Good luck!!!  

    P.S. How about Burton, Ride, Rome, Forum, Dinosaurs Will Die...are those already taken?  JK :)  My suggestions:  Phoenix Snowboards, Avenge, I dunno, I am not really creative.  But if you have any more questions about it feel free to give me an email and I will do my best to help :)  Happy Riding :)

  3. Five-0 is a good name

  4. i personally like Invert, switch isnt to cool considering it just means riding the other way.

    If i were to make one up it would prbly be somthing like "Rebel"

  5. Personally, I'd pick Switch or Five-0.  I think Five-0 is my favorite.  As for one that I'd make up, I'd say "Lost".

  6. I think Five-O is good if your trying to appeal to teenagers or people who find snowboarding rebellious.  Switch or invert are good all around names that your average, recreational rider would likely buy.

  7. I like Invert or Five-0

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